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Fill out information about your company in the Main Information section. This data is used to provide personalized support.


By default, 6 currencies will already be added and To add another currency, you need to click on the line “+Add”.

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The “dollar” currency cannot be removed, because it is the base currency of the system.

In field (1), enter the name of the currency and select it from the list (2). Click "Save" (3)

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Re-login to your account so that the updated list of currencies becomes available for use.


If, after entering your own exchange rate, you want to reset the rate to the current one on, click the “Default” button:

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To delete a particular currency, click on the cross next to it:

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Mark all messages as read

Image Modified To mark all messages as “Read”, click on the “Company Actions” - “Read All Messages” button:

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