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To create a Telegram bot, you need a Telegram account. If you


don’t have one yet, create


it at .

If you already have


a Telegram bot, proceed to


connect it to the platform.


How to


Create a Telegram



The steps in the instructions are performed in the desktop version of Telegram.

Widget Connector



  1. Go to . A chat


  1. with BotFather


  1. , the


  1. "father of bots," will open.
    BotFather provides a menu for creating and managing Telegram bots. Click


  1. the


  1. Start


  1. button at the bottom of the window to


  1. begin.



    1.  BotFather will send


    1. a list of commands for creating and managing bots.


    1. To create a new bot,


    1. send


    1. the command


    1. /newbot


    1. .


    1. BotFather will ask for your bot's name. Come up with a name (name) for your bot and send it. The name can


    1. use Latin or Cyrillic characters.


    1. You can change the name later.


    1. Example: We named our bot "


    1. Leeloo in Telegram."




      1. BotFather will then ask for a username for your bot. The username must end with "bot


      1. ." You can use only Latin letters, numbers, and underscores


      1. .
        Come up with a username and send it in a message.
        Example: We gave


      1. our bot the


      1. username "


      1. LeelooAiTelegramBot."


      The username must be at least 5 characters long and cannot be changed later.


      1. BotFather will send


      1. your bot’s token. Copy it


      1. .


      Your Telegram bot is now created. Next,




      it to the platform.

      How to


      Connect a Telegram


      Bot to the



      1. Go to the platform


      1. :
        1.1 Open Settings.
        1.2 Go to the


      1. Integrations section.
        1.3 Click the Messengers button.


      1. Click on


      1. Add New Connection.


      1. In the pop-up window


      1. , select the Telegram messenger.


      4.1 In the


      new window:

      • Paste the copied token.

      • Click Connect.


      Done! You can now use this bot as a communication channel in the lead generation


      tool settings.


      What to Do if You See the Error “This Token is Invalid, Please Insert Another Token”?

      1. Make sure there are no spaces before or after the token. If there


      1. are,


      1. remove them and try


      1. inserting the token again.

      2. Check if any hidden special


      1. characters have been added to


      1. the token.


        • Open the developer tools (in Google Chrome, press Ctrl+Shift+I) and


        • paste the token into the


        • "Console" tab.


        • If a red dot appears alongside the token, it means a special


        • character has been added. Delete it and paste the


        • remaining text into the token field in the bot


        • settings.

      1. If


      1. no red dot is present, generate a new token


      1. :

        • Open the chat with BotFather in Telegram


        • .

        • Enter the command /token


        • and send


        • it.

        • Select your bot from the list, and BotFather will send a new token.

        • Copy it and try connecting again in the Telegram


        • integration settings.
