Registering a PayPal account
1. Go to and click the "Sign up for free" button.

2. Fill out your registration details in the form.

Connecting a PayPal merchant to the platform
1. Go to

2. Switch to "LIVE" and close the block "Which Payment Solution do you want to offer?" and click on the "Create App" button:

If you do not have such a section, then you are not logged into your PayPal account. In the upper right corner of the page, click on the “Log into Dashboard” button and log into your PayPal account. After this, perform the action described above.

3. In the "App Name" field, enter any application name, for example "LeelooAi" and click the "Create App" button:

4. Go to the platform, to the Settings → Integrations → Payment systems section:

5. Click on the "New payment system" button:

6. In the window that opens, select "Pay Pal" from the list:

7. Enter the name of the merchant in field 1, add a description of the merchant (2), and paste the copied ID (3) into the “Client ID” field:

8. Go to the PayPal page and click the "Show" button under "Secret":

After that, copy the Secret key:

10. Go to the platform and paste the information into the “Secret Key” field (1). Click the "Create" button (2):

Ready! After that, connect PayPal as a system for accepting payments in the offer settings.

Additional merchant parameters
By default, the merchant will have standard parameters. But you can set your own: the amount of the transfer commission, the commission in case of conversion to another currency, the size of the fixed transfer fee, the accrual currency and the transaction currency.

To do this, click on "Advanced options":

1) conversion commission - fee for converting from one currency to another, in %.

2) transfer fee charged by the payment system, in%. PayPal charges 2.9% as standard. If you need to enter a fractional number, then the decimal value is entered after the period;

3) transfer fee (fixed) and payment currency. PayPal typically charges $0.3 per transaction.

4) transaction currency - the currency in which the payment is made. provided that the currency in which the customer is attempting to pay is not supported by the payment system.

5) accrual currency - the currency in which the money will be credited to your account in the payment system.

PayPal does not support one-click payment or recurring payments because PayPal does not support card tokenization.