Default tunnel

Default tunnel









Each platform account has a standard tunnel (Default tunnel). All users who simply write a message to a public FB page, VK or Viber group, or start a chat with a Telegram bot, and do NOT subscribe through a lead generation tool, will automatically subscribe to it.

You can add message blocks to a standard tunnel that such subscribers will receive. Subscribers from this tunnel can be redirected to other tunnels by adding links to lead generation tools or Subscribe Buttons to subscribe to other tunnels in the tunnel messages. The default tunnel will be grayed out among other tunnels to make it easier to identify after renaming.

The standard tunnel cannot have LGT, so it will not appear in the Lead Generation Tools section.
The standard tunnel cannot be removed.
Subscriptions via LGT on VK simultaneously subscribe to the Default tunnel, but content from the Default tunnel does not arrive to these subscribers. This subscription mechanic exists only with VK and only via LGT, since subscribing via a direct link to VK does not simultaneously create a subscription to the Default tunnel