FB retargeting
The Leeloo.ai platform provides the opportunity to collect an audience that has received tunnel messages and attach it to an ad group on Facebook. This is done by attaching an ad set to a specific tunnel block, after which customers who receive it will be added to the audience of the attached Facebook ad set. The audience that you collected from the sales tunnel block is updated dynamically; all those who pass through the block after you created the audience end up in it.
To set up FB retargeting:
Log in to your FB account on the platform and synchronize with your FB business account (in the Analytics and Reports section, the Synchronize button);
In order to add an account for Facebook retargeting, log in to the Facebook page that is connected to the platform; this must be done from the owner’s page or with administrator rights. Then, click on the "synchronize fb" button and select the account to synchronize. Afterwards, click "sync"
1.4 - button to synchronize Analytics and Facebook marketing account.
2. Go to the “sales tunnels” section, open your tunnel and on blocks of the “message” or “starting thread” type you can open the FB retargeting settings window.
2.1 - block name
2.2 - statistics of submissions of this block
3. Hover your mouse cursor over the block and right-click, in the window that appears, select “FB audience”
3.1 - ad selection field for setting up an audience in FB retargeting
3.2 - the “save” button records all changes made
3.3 - the “close” button closes the advertising settings designer.
After this, subscribers who will receive messages from this tunnel block will be added to the audience for the selected Facebook ad set. It is also dynamically updated for all users who pass through the tunnel block and works only for FB subscribers