Privacy policy

Privacy policy









This page allows you to create your own (custom) Privacy Policy and use it with lead generation tools (LGT).

When you open this page, we are shown a list with all the Privacy Policies we have added.

In this field, you can view previously created Privacy Policies (click on the title), create a new one (the “+New Policy” button) or delete a previously created one (the “Delete” button). It also displays the name of the Privacy Policy, as well as by whom and when it was last modified.


Creating a new privacy policy

To create a new Privacy Policy, click on the button: 

The page for creating a new Privacy Policy opens before us:


Return to previous page button (list of privacy policies);
The name of the privacy policy, as it will be displayed in your lists;
The title of the privacy policy that will be displayed to your subscribers;
Privacy Policy Contents. HTML tags are supported;
Button to save changes (“Create”).

Adding a Privacy Policy to Your LGT

To use the created Privacy Policy, you need to go to the LGT page.

In the settings of each LGT, you can select either the Leeloo privacy policy (default) or the one you created (enter the name of the Privacy Policy from the list). You can also add several policies to one LGT

If everything is done correctly, then when you click on this LGT, your users will see all the added Privacy Policies. By clicking on the title, they can familiarize themselves with their content.


 Advanced privacy policy editor
Using the editor's wide range of features, you can tailor your privacy policy to the desired visual appearance. With its help, you can perform flexible text formatting, attaching a link to a word and to a specific place in the text, inserting images, tables, special characters, spell checking and other functions.