Viber Restrictions
As of September 1, 2022, the following restrictions have come into effect for Viber's commercial model:
Communication between your chatbot and a subscriber takes place within a communication session.
A session starts when a subscriber sends the first message or responds to your chatbot.
The session lasts 24 hours from the moment the subscriber sends the first message.
The session ends 24 hours after the subscriber's first message, regardless of the circumstances.
Messaging within the session is free and has no limits on the number of messages.
Outside the session, your chatbot can send up to 10,000 free chatbot-initiated messages.
Free chatbot-initiated messages do not accumulate.
The free chatbot-initiated message limit resets every calendar month at UTC+0.
Any chatbot-initiated messages sent beyond the limit are charged according to the rate associated with the subscriber's phone number country code.
More details can be found in the documentation at the following link:
🔗 Viber Documentation
Examples of Viber chatbot usage:
📄 View Examples