Vk chat-bot connecting

Vk chat-bot connecting

How to create and connect a Vk chat-bot?

First off, you need a Vk group. You can use already created one, but we recommend you to create a new group so the analytics of the work using our platform will be as precise as possible.

  1. To crate a new group, go to the appropriate section in the main menu Communities (1) and then click the button Create community (2):

2. In the new window enter a name of your group in the first field, choose community type Group and select Category and Subcategory of the group:

3. Press button Create community to end creating group.

After creating your group you will be passed to the settigns of the group. You need to configure it.

4. In the Sections you need to open Video, Audio files and Documents. This is necessary to send videos and documents. 

5. Press Save button.

6. Then go to the Messages and enable it. In other case, clients cannot receive and send messages when interact with a chat-bot.

7. Press Save button.

8. Go to API usage in the Settings and click Create token:

Here you need to select all required rights:

  9. Press Create button.

10. Confirm that you are a real person by pasting code that is send to your phone number.

11. Then you will see the created token. Copy it.

12. Also, you will need the id of the group you created. Usually, you can see it in the address bar of your browser, when you are on the main page of your group:

 Id - it's only figures after the word club.

In case, a short link is set up instead of id in the address bar, you can use additional tools, to get id of the group. For exapmle https://vk.com/linkapp. You will need the group id on the final step of connecting bot.

13. Go to Settings → Channels & Businesses in the Leeloo.ai platform and click on Vkontakte icon:

14. Paste copied token in the first filed and copy and paste group id in the second field. Press Connect for connecting:

15. If the result is successfull the window will close. If you receive the message "This token is invalid, please insert another token":

      1) Check, if there are any spaces before or after the token.

      2) Maybe token and id do not appropriate each other. Note, that Id - it's only figures after the "club" word. 

After you've created a vk chat-bot and successfully connected it to the platform you just need to attach this bot in LGT settings.

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