Layout Name – A field to enter the name of your email layout. This helps organize and quickly find the necessary layout among others.
Email Subject – A field to enter the subject of the email, which will be displayed to the recipient in their mail client.
Change Variable Format – A function for configuring or modifying the format of variables used in the layout (e.g., name or date personalization).
Final Layout Preview – The ability to see how your email layout will look for the recipient. This allows you to check the design and functionality before sending.
Save Layout – A button to save all changes made to the current layout. It is recommended to save changes regularly to avoid data loss.
Return to Layout List – A function for exiting the current layout and going back to the general list of created layouts.
Return to Layout Editing – A button to return to the layout editing mode after preview or another action.
Variables in Email Messages
In emails, you can define values that may change, i.e., set variables.