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Fill out in the information about your company in the Main Information section. This data is used to provide receive personalized support.


  1. Company Name — a field to specify your company name.


  1. Website — here you can add a link to


Supported currencies


By default, 6 currencies will already be added and To add another currency, you need to click on the line “+Add”.


The “dollar” currency cannot be removed, because it is the base currency of the system.

In field (1), enter the name of the currency and select it from the list (2). Click "Save" (3)

.Image Removed

Re-login to your account so that the updated list of currencies becomes available for use.

Exchange rates are automatically updated every two hours using synchronization with the service. If you want to set your own exchange rate, enter the value in the appropriate currency rate field and click "Save":


If, after entering your own exchange rate, you want to reset the rate to the current one on, click the “Default” button:


To delete a particular currency, click on the cross next to it:


Mark all messages as read

Image Removed To mark all messages as “Read”, click on the “Company Actions” - “Read All Messages” button:


  1. the company website.

  2. Company Language — select the primary interface language for the company.

  3. Use Own Domain — a checkbox to activate the use of a custom domain.

  4. Proxy Domain — a field to enter the proxy domain, if used.

  5. Email — the company's primary email address for contact.

  6. Phone — the company phone number with the option to select the country code.

  7. Country — select the country where the company is registered.

  8. City — a field to indicate the company's location city.

  9. Time Zone — select the time zone corresponding to the company's location.

  10. Automatically Create Websites — a checkbox to automatically create websites in the system.

  11. Hide Client Profile in Chats — a setting to hide the client profile in chats.

  12. Automatic Sales Manager Assignment — a feature for automatically assigning a sales manager.

  13. Company Actions — when clicking the "Company Actions" button, a dropdown menu will appear where you can select "Mark all messages as read" to quickly update the status of all messages.

  14. Save — a button to save all changes in settings.

  15. Company Logo — a field for uploading or displaying the company logo.