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Пошаговая инструкция


Step-by-step instructions

  1. Log into the system as Company owner or another user with a role that has permission to edit roles;

  2. Go to the "Roles Management" menu;

  3. Review the default roles. Do they meet your requirements? If yes, skip the next step. If no, create the role you need;

  4. Add a new role, set the necessary permissions, and save it.

Important: In any case, give the role permission to "See the administrative panel." Be cautious with the permission to edit roles, and do not give it unless necessary;

  1. You have remembered the role name that suits you, and now you can proceed to the "User Management" tab;

  2. Create a new user:


  1. Username: Identifier for your employee.

  2. User email: A password for company login will be sent to the specified email when creating the user. The email is also used as the login for authorization.

  3. User password: This password must be used along with the email to log into the user's account. The password will be sent to the specified email upon creation.

  4. Confirm password: Repeat the password above to verify its correctness.

  5. Employee phone number: Field for entering the contact phone number.

  6. Employee role: A dropdown menu displaying all roles available in your company.

  7. Access restriction: Option to limit the user's access to specific tunnels on the platform.

  8. "Create" button: Creates the user with the specified data. If the user already exists, the button allows saving the changes made.

  9. That's it! The user is ready to use. You can verify the correctness of the role's permissions by using the email and password you set. For convenience, you can use Incognito mode in your browser.