




  1. Block creation

  2. Block menu

  3. Content switching

  4. Connection settings

  5. Control menu

  6. Block search

  7. Editing mode

  8. Tunnel block recovery mode


1. Block creation

To add a new block, you need to open the context menu by right-clicking on an empty field or using the touchpad. After clicking, a menu will appear where you can add a new block


You can also add a new block by adding a connection to the previous block


2. Block Menu

To open the block context menu, right-click or tap on the touchpad

  1. "Copy" - add the block to the clipboard

  2. "Create a copy" - copies the selected block immediately onto the workspace

  3. "Send from the previous block" (sends to all users who are on the previous block)

  4. "FB Audience" - Facebook retargeting, works only for Facebook Messenger

  5. Button to delete the selected block


3. Content Switching

When switching content in the block, it will only apply to the selected block without changing other blocks in the sales tunnel, making the work with sales tunnels faster and more convenient.

After editing and saving changes in the block, other blocks will by default open with the selected messenger in the top right corner of the screen. To display content in the constructor for other messengers, the settings of this filter need to be considered


4. Connection Settings

There is also the ability to configure the appearance of connections. This menu is located in the bottom right corner of the screen

  1. Connection type (Curved line, straight line, broken line)

  2. Line thickness

  3. Line color

  4. Selected connection line color

  5. Arrow settings, you can add 4 types of arrows or disable them with the "none" button.

Additionally, by right-clicking on the connection, you can choose the line type (straight or curved) and modify the settings or color of your connection to highlight it against the others


5. Control Menu

The menu located in the top left corner consists of the following items:

  1. The "Back" button returns to the previous section

  2. Displays the name of the current tunnel and also allows quick navigation to another sales tunnel

  3. Navigate to the LGT of this tunnel

  4. Sales tunnel actions: "Create copy", "Export", "Check connections", "Check related elements", "Delete"

  5. Archive: allows you to open the archive of deleted blocks in the tunnel

  6. Detailed information about the tunnel that will open in this window


6. Block Search

  1. "Find block on the map" allows you to search blocks by name, taking into account both lowercase and uppercase letters

  2. "To the block being edited" highlights the block in the chain when you find the desired block and need to understand exactly where this block is located in the sales tunnel, you should click this button

We recommend using unique block names so that they can be found through search


7. Editing Mode

This function allows you to select multiple blocks on the map. Selected blocks can be copied or deleted, and it is also possible to copy blocks between tunnels within the same tab.
You can also copy blocks individually by right-clicking on the block and selecting “Create copy.”

To select blocks, hold the “Shift” key and select the desired area with the mouse cursor, then press the Ctrl + C combination to copy the blocks. After that, click on an empty space on the map and press Ctrl + V to paste the blocks in the desired location.
Additionally, when multiple blocks are selected, you can move these blocks around the area


8. Tunnel Block Recovery Mode

In this mode, you can restore your archived tunnel blocks and their connections.

Some functionality, such as creating blocks or connections, will not work in recovery mode! To use it again, switch back to editing mode after restoring the necessary blocks


To restore a block in this mode, you need to open the context menu of the deleted block and click the "Restore" button
