Partial payments111

Partial payments111









Sometimes the buyer needs to be given the opportunity to pay for the item in installments. There is a special option for this in the offer. You determine what minimum amount the client can pay for the first payment, and at what amount the payment will receive the “successful” status (not 100% payment). The client can split the cost of the offer into the required number of parts and pay as much as is convenient for him, but not less than what you set.


Activating the "Payment in installments" function

To activate the "Payment in parts" function, go to the additional settings of the offer and check "Allow partial payments":

Two fields will appear:

  1. "Percentage of minimum partial payment"  еThe system automatically converts it into an amount. For example, if the offer price is $5000, and here you specify 1% ($50), then the client will not be able to make the first payment in an amount less than $50.

  2. "Percentage allowing the payment to be considered successful", The system automatically recalculates it into an amount. If you specify 90%, then when you make a payment in the amount of $4500 (90% of $5000), the option to manually transfer the order to the “completed” status will become available. This function is convenient to use if there are many payments, and due to the commission of the payment system, not the entire amount will be credited.

Fill out these fields and save the offer.


Sending an offer to a client

The "Payment in installments" function will be active only for offers that are attached to a button like "Buy": in a message in a chat with a client or in a tunnel block. When opening an offer via a direct link to it (for example https://wep.wf/b/qp3agb), the option will not be active.

Open a chat with a client (select yourself for the test), and create a text message.

  1. Add a button like "Buy";

  2. Select an offer in which the partial payment option is activated;

  3. Check "Allow partial payments":

Send a message to the client.


Partial payment for the offer

The client clicks on a button in the chat and opens the offer. At the stage of entering payment information for partial payment, he needs to check “Make payment partial” and enter the amount he is willing to pay. This amount must be no lower than the minimum allowable amount of partial payment and no higher than the cost of the offer:

If he tries to pay less or more, he will receive the corresponding error:

Доплата оффера

После осуществления частичной оплаты, на странице благодарности будет кнопка для доплаты оффера - "Завершить частичный платеж":

By clicking on it, the client will be able to pay the remaining amount according to the scheme described above, or make a partial payment again. After making a partial payment again, the additional payment button will again be displayed on the thank you page for the client, and he will again be able to pay additionally. When paying additionally, restrictions on the minimum amount no longer apply.

If the procedure takes place through a system for making manual payments, then the amount that remains to be paid by the client will change only after the payment manager confirms the payment in the “Payments” tab. If the manager has not confirmed the payment, the full price of the offer will be displayed to the client.


If a client has lost the link to pay additionally for an offer, he can be sent a special button, by clicking on which he can pay additionally for the offer.

To do this, go to chat with the client and create a text message. In the message, add the “Complete payment” button and enter the name of the offer or the order number that the client paid for:

Send a message to the client.


List of payments (invoices) for the order

Each time you pay for an order, a new invoice will be created in the “Orders and Sales” section, which displays payment information. To view all invoices for an order, click on the order line.

Order status with partial payment

In case of partial payment, the order status will be “Open” until the offer is fully paid. After full payment for the offer, the order status will automatically change to “Completed”. You can manually change the status to “Completed” even if the payment for the order is not in full or exceeds the cost of the offer (under certain circumstances). To do this, enable the order filter for partial payments (1) and click "Filter" (2). When the filter is active, confirm the order (3,4): This can be done if you have specified a Percentage that allows you to consider the payment successful and this value has already been reached, that is, the user has already paid the specified amount.

If you reject the order, the client will no longer be able to pay extra. When trying to make an additional payment, he will see a message about unsuccessful payment.