API (Application Programming Interface) is a tool that allows your applications, websites, and CRM to "communicate" and exchange data with the Leeloo.ai platform. With the API, you can retrieve information about your clients, send client data (offers) to a table, integrate online payment or delivery systems, without requiring complex or costly development.
Introduction to API Usage
Headers request
When making requests to Leeloo.AI , you need to use Headers. Add “Request Header” in “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken
, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
Where to Find the API Token?
The API token can be found in the Leeloo.ai API section on the platform. It is necessary for authenticating requests to the API, confirming that requests come from an authorized user.
Types of Requests
The platform provides various types of requests that can be used for integration with external systems:
: to retrieve data. Requests information from the APIPOST
: to submit data (e.g., registering a new user).PUT
: to update existing data.
Using Variables and Custom Fields
Variables can be created in Content → Variables.
Custom fields can be created in Content → Fields.
You can insert variables and custom fields into the request body if dynamic data transfer is required. For example, to send user or order status information, include variables in the request fields for transmitting individual information.
List of System IDs (Variables) Available on the Platform:
- the ID of the message template category. Thiscategory_id
is found in the URL when opening the template category in Sales Funnels, Message Templates.
Example - https://app.leeloo.ai/campaigns-templates/category_id
- the ID from the client card in the Chats section.
Example - https://app.leeloo.ai/chats/unread/account_id
- the message template ID on the platform, available from the message template created in the template category.
Example - https://app.leeloo.ai/campaigns-templates/category_id
- the communication channel ID found in the client link in Chats.
Example - https://app.leeloo.ai/chats/all/account_id
- the ID of the Lead Generation Tool (LGT) from your created LGT in the sales funnel. Right-click on it, then “Copy LGT ID”paymentCreditsId
- the payment system ID. You can find it in the platform settings under Payments by clicking “Details” on the connected payment.
Example - https://app.leeloo.ai/settings/integrations/payments/credits/payment-credit/manual/paymentCreditsId
- the Offer ID taken from the Offers you created in the Sales Funnel section.
Example - https://app.leeloo.ai/campaigns-offers/offerId
- the manager (user) ID added to the platform through the Users section. Click on the created user and copy the ID from the link.
Example - https://app.leeloo.ai/settings/company/users/user/managerId
- the order ID, which is generated when your offer changes to an order status. This ID can be obtained by performing the “Get Order List” request, which includes information about the order, including the order ID.
Example - "{"data":[{"id":"order_id
- the user ID (Subscriber) within the audience. It can be obtained by performing the “Get Platform User List” request, which includes information about the user ID.
Example - "{"data":{"id":"user_id
- the sales funnel ID. Obtainable by navigating to your sales funnel and copying from the address bar.
Example - https://app.leeloo.ai/tunnels/tunnel_id
- the ID of a block in the sales funnel. Obtainable by navigating to your sales funnel, clicking on the block, and copying it from the address bar.
Example - https://app.leeloo.ai/tunnels/tunnel_id
- the communication channel ID. Obtainable by performing a request for user information or specific user information. Example from the “Get Specific Person Information” request:
Example -
"account_id": "account_id
"connection_id": "connection_id
"connection_status": "OK",
"from": "TELEGRAM"
- the Tag ID assigned to users (subscribers). Obtainable by navigating to Platform Settings, CRM Settings, Tags, and clicking “Copy ID” next to the created tag.
In all requests, the date must be specified in UTC-0 time zone.
All requests that involve a Body should be sent in JSON format
Message Templates
Получить список категорий шаблонов сообщений
GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/categories/templates
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
"data": { "categories": [ { "id": "5e3bf3fdb70492000f72cd6c", "name": "Category 1" }, { "id": "5e18a2a3ed0b7a000d6c948f", "name": "Category 2" } ] }, "status": 1 }
Получить список шаблонов сообщений внутри категории
GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/categories/templates/{category_id}
Path Paramscategory_id
(example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - id категории шаблонов сообщений
Этот category_id
берем из ссылки при открытии категории шаблона в разделе Туннели продаж, Шаблоны сообщений.
Example: https://app.leeloo.ai/campaigns-templates/categoty_id/templates
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
{ "data": { "templates": [ { "id": "5e42be758d4fff000cafe6ef", "message_name": "test template 2" }, { "id": "5e42be688d4fff000cafe5cc", "message_name": "test template 1" } ] }, "status": 1 }
Отправка шаблона сообщения
POST https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/messages/send-template
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
Request Body(json)account_id
(example: 513f543gb2737020133d25b0) - id канала связи берем из сылки в карте клиента в раздел чаты. Example: https://app.leeloo.ai/chats/unread/account_id
(example: 6b3f543bb2737003133d25b4) - id шаблона сообщения на платформе
{ "account_id": "66fac2b853d5123567d207b7", "template_id": "65fc3f2656789099e157e817", "variables": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" } }
{ "status": 1, "data": {} }
Получить список сообщений из чата по каналу коммуникации
GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/communication-channels/{person_id}/chat-messages?limit=2&offset=0
Path Paramsperson_id
(example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - id канала коммуникации берем из ссылки клиента в разделе Чаты. Example https://app.leeloo.ai/chats/all/66fac2b853d5470e1ed207b6/person_id
ВАЖНО: В Headers, “Заголовок запроса” в “Ключ” вставьте X-Leeloo-AuthToken
а в “Значение” ваш Leeloo.ai API токен.
Query Paramslimit
- ограничение количества результатов (не рекомендуется выгружать большое количество данных сразу, так как это может замедлить выгрузку данных)offset
- сколько результатов пропустить (по умолчанию 0)
{ "data": [ { "id": "5e3bf8d6c6ed91000c8534ae", "text": "Test API v.1 message template", "type": "YOUR_MESSAGE", "read": true, "createdAt": "2020-02-06T11:30:30.035Z", "updatedAt": "2020-02-06T11:30:30.035Z" }, { "id": "5e3beba47fa862000e3b4d05", "text": "API message", "type": "YOUR_MESSAGE", "read": true, "createdAt": "2020-02-06T10:34:12.230Z", "updatedAt": "2020-02-06T10:34:12.230Z" } ], "meta": { "limit": 3, "offset": 0, "filteredCount": 3, "totalCount": 52 }, "status": 1 }
ВАЖНО! Example ответа на запрос показан для установленого параметра лимита равного двум. При изменении значения параметра лимита будет изменяться и кол-во сообщений в ответе на запрос.
Отправка сообщений
POST https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/messages/send-message
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
Request Body(json)account_id
(example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - id канала связиtext
- текст сообщения которое хотим отправить
{ "account_id": "5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0", "text": "текст сообщения" }
{ "status": 1, "data": {} }
Каналы коммуникации
Получить список каналов коммуникации (с внешними UTM-метками)
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
Query Paramslimit
- ограничение количества результатов (не рекомендуется выгружать большое количество данных сразу, так как это может замедлить выгрузку данных)offset
- сколько результатов пропустить (по умолчанию 0)filter[last_message][from]
- фильтр по последнему сообщению от указанного числа
- фильтр по последнему сообщению до указанного числа
{ "data": [ { "id": "5ef074e9e31801000d73ba11", "person_id": "5ef074e9e31801000d73ba10", "name": "TIIIIK", "from": "TELEGRAM", "botStatus": "BOT", "lastMessageTime": "2020-08-31T07:55:53.865Z", "createdAt": "2020-06-22T09:07:53.351Z", "utmMarks": { "utm_source": "test_UTM_mark" } }, { "id": "5ea177b8ac8f55000d2c68f1", "person_id": "5ea177b8ac8f55000d2c68f0", "name": "Adolf Shtangencirkul", "from": "VKONTAKTE", "botStatus": "BOT", "lastMessageTime": "2020-08-29T08:31:51.211Z", "createdAt": "2020-04-23T11:10:48.337Z", "utmMarks": {} } ], "meta": { "limit": 2, "offset": 0, "filteredCount": 2, "totalCount": 2 }, "status": 1 }
Получение списка каналов связи
GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/connections
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
{ "data": { "connections": [ { "id": "65cf48536d81f496d4f9a673", "type": "telegram", "name": "Telegram bot" }, { "id": "65b3791a9af7b6ef6f4a8afd", "type": "sendGrid", "name": "Sendgrid bot" } ] }, "status": 1 }
Получение информации о человеке по каналу коммуникации (получить person_id зная параметр account_id)
GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/communication-channels/{account_id}/person
Path Paramsaccount_id
(example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - id канала коммуникации
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
{ "data": { "id": "617fd5cc1cc06d2ae24dd9eb", "name": "Mark Down", "tags": [ "Tag 26" ], "profileImage": "https://static.leeloo.ai/images/5e18a2a3ed0b7a000d6c9446/abd88bd0-3b0a-11ec-82ee-bb08992a1760%5B571x1100%5Djpg", "gender": "OTHER", "phone": "+380977751199", "email": "useremail@gmail.com", "locale": "ru_RU", "accounts": [ { "account_id": "617fd5cc1cc06d42c94dd9ec", "connection_id": "61308ac5d087cbc40f1e478d", "connection_status": "OK", "from": "FACEBOOK" } ], "subscribeHistory": [ { "tunnelName": "for list", "leadgentoolName": "New LGT", "trafficSource": "Default traffic source", "tunnelId": "617fa515557acb4a2472c560", "leadgentoolId": "617fa612925d13644ae58e55", "trafficSourceId": "617fa612925d1341eee58e58", "accountId": "617fd5cc1cc06d42c94dd9ec" } ], "links": { "contactedUsers": [ { "type": "users", "id": "60509800acc5ae000d74ce21" } ], "orders": [ { "type": "orders", "id": "618280605402c96fa86c125a" } ] }, "custom_fields": [], "created_at": "2021-11-01T11:55:56.358Z", "updated_at": "2024-02-02T12:07:54.882Z" }, "included": {}, "status": 1 }
Создать источник траффика в LGT
POST https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/leadgentools/{leadgentool_id}/create-traffic-source
Path Paramsleadgentool_id
(example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - id инструмента лидогенерации
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
Request Body (json)name
- имя трафик соурсаdescription
- описание трафик соурса
{ "name": "some ts", "description": "some ts description" }
{ "data": { "type": "normal", "fb_adset_id": null, "name": "some ts", "description": "some ts description", "synchronized_with_fb": false, "synchronization_error": false, "disabled": false, "company_id": "5b9f63e3d244d2000e27692f", "leadgentool_id": "5e1f119d6c384804b31e945e", "tunnel_id": "5e1f11566c384804b31e9457", "created_by": "5b9f63e3d244d2000e276957", "hash": "nn7n15", "resubscribe_button_id": "5e32d0ed28faf61fc396f6b1", "createdAt": "2020-01-30T12:49:49.273Z", "updatedAt": "2020-01-30T12:49:49.273Z", "id": "5e32d0ed28faf61fc396f6b0" }, "status": 1 }
Создать ручной ордер
POST https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/orders
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
Request Body(json)paymentCreditsId
(example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b2) - id платежной системы. Можно узнать в настройках платформы, раздел с платежными системами.email
- Email адрес человекаphone
- телефон человекаtransactionDate
- желаемая дата проведения транзакции (для отображения на платформе) указывается в формате 2020-02-04T11:46:48.803ZofferId
(example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - id оффераisNotifyAccount
- сообщать человеку о создании заказа или нет (может быть значение true или false)personId
(example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b1) - id человекаmanagerId
(example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - id юзера платформи за кем будет закреплен заказ. Необязательно. Если не указать конкретного юзера - продажа будет System
{ "paymentCreditsId": "5e3c3533f04b1f000c27b534", "email": "email123@gmail.com", "phone": "+380669999777", "transactionDate": "2020-02-04T11:46:48.803Z", "offerId": "5e3c357bf04b1f000c27b83a", "isNotifyAccount": "false", "personId": "5e1c4676b70fb2001279c268", "managerId": "5e1c1236b70fb3331279c444" }
{ "data": { "id": "5e5502a01b1668000ccc93ee", "title": "Ручной оффер", "price": 100, "currency": "USD", "status": "OPENED", "createdAt": "2020-02-25T11:18:56.419Z", "updatedAt": "2020-02-25T11:18:56.419Z" }, "status": 1 }
Получить список ордеров
GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/orders?limit=20&offset=0
Query Paramslimit
- ограничение количества результатов (не рекомендуется выгружать большое количество данных сразу, так как это может замедлить выгрузку данных)offset
- скольок результатов пропустить (по умолчанию 0)
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
{ "data": [ { "id": "5e399d72a2d0e2000dd584c1", "person_id": "5df0fac42121a5000e07d80b", "title": "manual offer", "price": 200, "currency": "USD", "status": "RESOLVED", "createdAt": "2020-02-04T16:36:02.213Z", "updatedAt": "2020-02-04T16:38:58.168Z" }], "meta": { "limit": 1, "offset": 0, "filteredCount": 20, "totalCount": 93 }, "status": 1 }
Получить информацию по отдельному ордеру
GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/orders/{order_id}
Path Paramsorder_id
(example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - айди конкретного ордера
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
{ "status": 1, "data": { "id": "5e2825e081fbca000d8596e4", "createdAt": "2015-04-02T14:20Z", "updatedAt": "2015-04-02T14:20Z", "title": "Title11", "description": "Description1", "price": 100, "currency": "UAH", //['USD', 'EUR', 'UAH', 'RUB'] "status": "SUCCESS", //['ORDER', 'PENDING', 'FAILED', 'SUCCESS', 'REFUNDED'], "paymentMethod": "WAYFORPAY", //['WAYFORPAY', 'YANDEX_MONEY', 'ASSET_PAYMENT', 'MANUAL'] } }
Обновить информацию в МАНУАЛ (ручном) ордере
Ордер НЕ МОЖЕТ БЫТЬ с частичными оплатами
POST https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/orders/{order_id}
Path Paramsorder_id
(example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - айди ручного ордера без частичных оплат.
IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken
' header.
Request Body (form-data)status
example: 'RESOLVED', (one_of: RESOLVED REJECTED)paymentDate
example: '2018-06-27 07:32',currency
example: 'RUB',price
example: '100' (actual price that you receive from account),userComments
example: 'actual date dont match'
{ "data": { "id": "5b3f608db2737000133d25b6" }, "status": 1 }
Получить список всех подписчиков
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
Query Paramslimit
- ограничение количества результатов (не рекомендуется выгружать большое количество данных сразу, так как это может замедлить выгрузку данных)offset
- скольок результатов пропустить (по умолчанию 0)filter[tags]
- если необходима фильтрация по тегам. Опциональноfilter[last_message]
{ from: 'js_date', to: 'js_date' } - фильтр по дате последнего сообщния. Обязателен.filter[phone]
- фильтр по номеру телефону. Опциональноfilter[email]
- фильтр по емейлу. Опционально
{ "status": 1, "data": [{ "id": "5e1c7ce2b4066a01900cdba0", "name": "Feliks", ”email": ”feliks@gmail.com", ”phone": ”+380966565556" "tags": [ "Mentor", "Professional" ], "accounts": [{ "account_id": "5e1c7ce2b4066a01900cdba1", "connection_id": "5e1c7afcb4066a01900cdb8c", "connection_status": "OK", "from": "TELEGRAM" }], "lastMessageTime": "2020-01-13T14:21:36.462Z" }], "meta": { "totalCount": 1, "filteredCount": 1, "limit": 20, "offset": 0 } }
Получить информацию по конкретному человеку
GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/people/{person_id}?include=contactedUsers,orders
Path Paramsperson_id
(example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - id человека на платформе
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
{ "data": { "id": "625946dd585052c1629f1b2b", "name": "Mark Spenser", "tags": [], "profileImage": "NOT_DEFINED", "gender": "NO_DATA", "phone": "+380977451111", "email": "Ray37@hotmail.com", "locale": "", "accounts": [ { "account_id": "625946dd58505225f49f1b2c", "connection_id": "5e1edc3f18fc56000c0159b3", "connection_status": "OK", "from": "TELEGRAM" } ], "subscribeHistory": [ { "tunnelName": "Default tunnel", "leadgentoolName": "Default leadgentool", "trafficSource": "Default traffic source", "tunnelId": "5e18a2a3ed0b7a000d6c9484", "leadgentoolId": "5e18a2a3ed0b7a000d6c9486", "trafficSourceId": "5e18a2a3ed0b7a000d6c9488", "accountId": "625946dd58505225f49f1b2c" } ], "links": { "contactedUsers": [ { "type": "users", "id": "60509800acc5ae000d74ce21" } ], "orders": [ { "type": "orders", "id": "65cf58ba1261175f8d40a75f" } ] }, "custom_fields": [ { "type": "PHONE", "name": "phone", "value": "+48881644207" } ], "created_at": "2022-04-15T10:20:13.546Z", "updated_at": "2024-02-16T16:16:57.065Z" }, "included": { "users": [ { "id": "60509800acc5ae000d74ce21", "name": "Max", "createdAt": "2021-03-16T11:35:28.644Z", "updatedAt": "2024-02-19T12:59:04.460Z" } ], "orders": [ { "id": "65cf58ba1261175f8d40a75f", "title": "for API", "price": 100, "currency": "USD", "status": "OPENED", "updatedAt": "2024-02-16T12:44:42.569Z" } ] }, "status": 1 }
Обновить информацию в карточке клиента
PUT https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/people/{person_id}
Path Paramsperson_id
(example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - айди человека.
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
Request Body(json)
{ "phone": "+380669991876", "email": "newmail@gmail.com", "custom_fields": [ { "type": "EMAIL", "name": "emailcust", "value": "customemail@gmail.com" } ] }
Добавить человека на платформе
POST https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/people
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
Request Body (json)
{ "name":"Feliks", "email":"feliks@gmail.com", "phone":"+380953066789", "leadgentool_id":"609290d3e060416cdea6823e", "connected_users_ids": ["609290d3e060416cdea68444"] }
{ "data": { "id": "60a4bcd7bc45b806ac3b1a4a", "person_id": "60a4bcd7bc45b83b6e3b1a49", "name": "Feliks", "tags": [], "from": "MANUAL", "botStatus": "BOT", "connectionStatus": "OK", "gender": "NOT_DEFINED", "phone": "+380953066789", "email": "feliks@gmail.com", "locale": "", "subscribeHistory": [], "createdAt": "2021-05-19T07:23:03.546Z", "updatedAt": "2021-05-19T07:23:03.546Z" }, "status": 1 }
Добавить СМС соединение к человеку
POST https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/people/sms
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
Request Body(json)
{ "data": [{ "name": "test123", "email": "test123@example.com", "phone": "+380667772233" }], "connection_id": "5dbfe6c5fb73e101720b3dc7", "leadgentool_id": "5e1f119d6c384804b31e945e", "tags": ["5cf7a18586236d000b1256b2"] }
{ "data": { "count_to_process": 1 }, "status": 1 }
Добавить комментарий к человеку
PUT https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/people/{person_id}/add-comment
Path Paramsperson_id
(example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - id человека
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
Request Body(json)
{ "comment": "some text" }
{ "data": { "created_by": "5b9f63e3d244d2000e276957", "company_id": "5b9f63e3d244d2000e27692f", "text": "some text", "entity_id": "5da5998fcecdb311d73d3049", "entity_type": "PERSON", "created_at": "2020-01-30T10:08:50.677Z", "updated_at": "2020-01-30T10:08:50.677Z", "id": "5e32ab3228faf61fc396f625" }, "status": 1 }
Добавить звонок в акаунт
POST https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/calls
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
Request Body(form-data, all required)user_id
example: ‘5b0d313b307879002915b3cc’from
example: ‘606'to
example: ‘607'date
example: ‘2024-03-22T15:30:17.339Z'account_id
example: '6b0d313b307879002915b3c1’record_link
example: 'https://file-examples.com/storage/2017/11/file_example_MP3_5MG.mp3’ or 'NOT_DEFINED’status
example: 'SUCCESS' (one of: 'TALKING', 'SUCCESS', 'NO_ANSWER', 'CLOSED_BY_SYSTEM')duration
example: '100' (seconds)type
{ "user_id": "65d5ed778c9636bd775f715b", "from": "606", "to": "607", "date": "2024-03-22T15:30:17.339Z", "account_id": "66fac2b853d5472551d207b7", "record_link": "https://file-examples.com/storage/2017/11/file_example_MP3_5MG.mp3", "status": "SUCCESS", "duration": 100, "type": "INBOUND" }
{ "data": { "raw_response": {}, "record_link": "https://file-examples.com/storage/fe7c2cbe4b65fa8179825d1/2017/11/file_example_MP3_5MG.mp3", "company_id": "5b9f63e3d244d2000e27692f", "user_id": "5b9f63e3d244d2000e276930", "account_id": "65b632d119471a0012c3cabd", "provider_type": "MANUAL", "to": "+380663332222", "from": "123", "type": "OUTBOUND", "status": "SUCCESS", "telephone_connection_id": "603e5096c4a05c3a9506f219", "call_id": "57fa99e0-e846-11ee-b73a-95e863e509cb", "billsec": 140, "created_at": "2024-03-22T12:00:36.980Z", "updated_at": "2024-03-22T12:00:36.980Z", "next_check": "2024-03-22T12:19:51.650Z", "id": "65fd772be3f8780013eac6b0" }, "status": 1
Получить список тегов
GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/tags
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
{ "status": 1, "data": [{ "id": "595f5d522a934035decc093d", "name": "Tag #1", }] }
Удалить тег у человека
PUT https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/people/{person_id}/remove-tag
Path Paramsperson_id
(example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - айди человека
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
Request Bodytag_id
- ID тега который мы желаем удалить. Скопируйте его из раздела “Настройки” > “Теги” (Скопировать ID)
{ "tag_id": "6685097a2e425c44fb9ae2e6" }
{ "status": 1, "data": {} }
Добавить тег человеку
PUT https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/people/{person_id}/add-tag
Path Paramsperson_id
(example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - айди человека
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
Request Body(form-data)tag_id
- ID тега который мы желаем удалить. Скопируйте его из раздела “Настройки” > “Теги” (Скопировать ID
{ "tag_id": "6685097a2e425c44fb9ae2e6" }
{ "status": 1, "data": {} }
Получить список туннелей
GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/tunnels?limit=20&offset=0
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
Query Paramslimit
- ограничение количества результатов (не рекомендуется выгружать большое количество данных сразу, так как это может замедлить выгрузку данных)offset
- сколько результатов пропустить (по умолчанию 0)
{ "status": 1, "data": [{ "id": "595f5d522a934035decc093d", "name": "My tunnel", "createdAt": "2015-04-02T14:20Z", "updatedAt": "2015-04-02T14:20Z", }], "meta": { "totalCount": 1, "filteredCount": 1, "limit": 20, "offset": 0 } }
Получить информацию про туннель
GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/tunnels/{tunnel_id}?include=leadgentools
Path Paramstunnel_id
(example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - id тунеля
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
{ "status": 1, "data": { "id": "595f5d522a934035decc093d", "name": "My tunnel", "createdAt": "2015-04-02T14:20Z", "updatedAt": "2015-04-02T14:20Z", "links": { "leadgentools": [{ "type": "leadgentools", "id": "222f5d522a934035decc093d" }] } }, "linked": { "leadgentools": [{ "id": "222f5d522a934035decc093d", "name": "LGT1", "type": "LINK", //['LINK', 'QR', 'WIDGET', 'POPUP', 'FORM', 'FB_AD', 'DEFAULT'] }] } }
Получить статистику по всем туннелям
GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/tunnels/stats
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
{ "status": 1, "data": [{ "subscribers": 10, "uniqSubscribers":2, "orders": 4, "sales": 3, "uniqSales": 2 "visits": 14, "uniqVisits": 5 "shows": 5, "uniqShows": 3 "totalSale": 200, // in USD "totalExpenses": 100 }] }
Получить статистику по одному туннелю
GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/tunnels/{tunnel_id}/stats
Path Paramstunnel_id
(example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - id тунеля
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
{ "status": 1, "data": [{ "subscribers": 10, "uniqSubscribers":2, "orders": 4, "sales": 3, "uniqSales": 2 "visits": 14, "uniqVisits": 5 "shows": 5, "uniqShows": 3 "totalSale": 200, // in USD "totalExpenses": 100 }] }
Подписка на туннель и блок туннеля
POST https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/communication-channels/{account_id}/manual-subscribe
Path Paramsaccount_id
- id канала комуникации которого нужно подписать
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
Request Body (form-data)tunnel_id
(example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - id тунеляtunnel_block_id
(example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - id блока в тунеле
{ "tunnel_id": "66fabfc013ed14bf97f0d897", "tunnel_block_id": "66fabfc013ed14cddff0d8a9" }
{ "status": 1, "data": {} }
Получить список пользователей платформы
GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/users?limit=20&offset=0
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
Query Paramslimit
- ограничение количества результатовoffset
- сколько результатов пропустить(по умолчанию 0)
{ "status": 1, "data": [ { "id": "445f5d522a934035decc093d", "name": "Igor", "createdAt": "2015-04-02T14:20Z", "updatedAt": "2015-04-02T14:20Z", }, { "id": "125f5d522a934035decc093d", "name": "Alexey", "createdAt": "2015-04-02T14:20Z", "updatedAt": "2015-04-02T14:20Z", } ], "meta": { "totalCount": 1, "filteredCount": 1, "limit": 20, "offset": 0 } }
Получить информацию по конкретному пользователю платформы
GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/users/{user_id}
Path Paramsuser_id
- id пользователя платформы
IMPORTANT: In Headers, add “Request Header.” In “Key,” enter X-Leeloo-AuthToken, and in “Value,” insert your Leeloo.ai API token.
{ "data": { "id": "632af797bd3cc466fe1af584", "name": "John Mack", "createdAt": "2022-09-21T11:37:59.353Z", "updatedAt": "2022-09-27T12:26:12.786Z" }, "status": 1 }