Telegram chat-bot connecting

Telegram chat-bot connecting

How to create and connect Telegram chat-bot?

  1. If you don't have a Telegram account yet, create it on web.telegram.org/#/login
  2. Run Telegram app and search @BotFather in the search bar. Choose the bot with the same avatar as on the screenshot. Click START button at the bottom of the window

  3. The bot sends us a list of commands that can be used while working with him. We need to create a bot so let's send him a /newbot text:

  4. Then bot is asking to provide a name of a new bot. Send him the name in the message:

  5. Now BotFather is asking to provide a username for your bot. The username should ends with bot. Send the username of your bot:

  6. BotFather sends us a token. Copy it.

  7. Go to Settings → Channels & Businesses on the Leeloo.ai platform:

  8. Click the Telegram icon on the top panel and paste the copied token in the appeared field: 

  9. Click Connect button.

    If you encountered an error "This token is invalid, please insert another token" when connecting a bot, check:

    1) No spaces is placed before and after the token.
    2) Is any special symbol is added to the token which is invisible and provoke a conflict. You can check it using Developer tools (Ctrl+Shift+I in Chrome Browser) and pasting the token into the console line. If beyond symbols of the token you can see a red point - the special symbol is added. Delete it. 

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