Данные которые необходимо передавать в Битрикс 24: Имя, почта, телефон и данные откуда появился лид (С Leeloo.ai)
Действия которые необходимо выполнить в Битрикс 24:
Зайти в меню “Для разработчиков”>>>”Интеграция с внешними системами” >>> “Добавить лиды”
Скопировать URL: как показано на скриншоте
Действия которые необходимо выполнить в Leeloo.ai:
1. Заходим в нужный Туннель.
2. Добавляем блок “Действие”>>> “Отправка внешнего запроса”
Заполняем данные как на скриншоте ниже, в поле URL втсавляем заготовленную ссылку с Битрикс24
Заполнение поля BODY
Поле BODY нужно заполнить в формате JSON
Now, by using the integration between http://Leeloo.AI and Bitrix24, lead information can be automatically transferred to the Bitrix24 CRM system. This simplifies the lead processing workflow and improves the efficiency of the sales department.
The integration allows you to:
Transfer lead data to Bitrix24 using webhooks.
Automatically send contact details left by users in sales funnels to Bitrix24.
Populate client data such as name, phone number, email, lead source, and other details into the Bitrix24 CRM system for further processing by managers.
This solution enables automatic lead collection and management, streamlining client interactions and improving their experience with your company.
Setting up the integration on the Bitrix24 side
Log in to your Bitrix24 account.
Obtain the API method for data transfer in the Bitrix24 account by searching for “API.”
From the search results, select “Rest API.”
After navigating to “Rest API,” choose the “Other” section.
In the new window, open the “Inbound webhook” section.
In the “Inbound webhook” section, select the Method by clicking “select.”
Enter the method name “crm.lead.add” in the Method field.
Select the “crm.lead.add” method from the search results.
Copy the URL of the new method and click the “SAVE” button.
Add all the parameters you want to receive from the http://Leeloo.ai platform.
Setting up the integration on the http://Leeloo.AI side
Go to the http://Leeloo.ai platform, open the “Sales Funnels” section, and select your funnel.
Create a red block in the sales funnel.
Select the red block and click the “External Request Submission” button.
Set the request type to “POST.” In the “Request URL” field, enter the method URL previously obtained from Bitrix24 (see step 9).
Insert the request body to transfer data to the CRM system.
In the body field, insert the following code:
Code Block |
{ "fields": { "NAME": "Глеб", "": "Егорович", "LAST_NAME": "Титов", Client_Name", "ASSIGNED_BY_ID": 1, "TYPE_ID": "CLIENT", "SOURCE_ID": "SELF?", "PHONE": [ { "VALUE": "+77777777777Client_Phone", "VALUE_TYPE": "WORK" } ] } } |
В нужные поля вставляем переменные:
Имя, почта, телефон и данные откуда появился лид:
В Туннеле Leeloo.ai связываем нашу форму с блоком действия
Все настройки завершены, можем проверять. После прохождения и заполнения формы, должен появиться новый лид в блоке CRM Битрикс 24 с предзаполненными полями.
} |
In the “body” section, replace "Client_Name" and "Client_Phone" with variables from the client card.
In the “Subscriber Data” field, select the value “Name,” and in the “Fallback Value” field, enter any symbol and click “Add.” Use the provided link to create variables.
In the “body” section, for the "phone" field, create a variable: clear the value of “phone,” click “+ Variable,” and open “Subscriber Data.”
To complete the setup, click the “Save” button.
Connect the red block to your funnel to enable data transfer.
Setup is complete. You can now test the integration.
Once the form is completed, a new lead should appear in the Bitrix24 CRM block with pre-filled fields.