List of Customer Card sections
Quick access customer card
Client avatar
Client name
Geolocation (coming soon)
Tags assigned to this client
Client task window
Phone number
Email address
Adding a custom field. More details
Manager's comments on this client (maximum 240 characters per comment). You can also add files to comments by clicking on the paperclip.
Removing a Customer Card
Close Customer Card
detailed information
Subscription history
История заказов
Sales plans
Phone calls
On this tab you can combine several different communication channels into one person.
1 - information about the account whose client card you have open
2 - information that will be displayed in the client card after the merger
3 - information from the subscription that you selected through the search for combining
4 - button to move data from the column on the right to the central one, which will be displayed in the client card after merging.
Client logs
In the “Logs” tab you can view a list of all client actions on the platform.