For one account, we recommend performing no more than one integration with Webinar Stars. This will prevent errors and allow you to use the service efficiently.
Do not start creating an integration with the Webinar Stars service during a webinar! Please be attentive.
Webinar Stars is a platform for hosting webinars and online courses. You can integrate your Leeloo platform directly with Webinar Stars.
How to connect Webinar Stars?
To do this, you need to:
Register on the Webinar Stars platform using the link 🔗 Registration,
and immediately proceed to your personal account.An email with login details, entered during registration, will be sent to the email address you provided. If u click check the box to “generate a password”.
Add the integration option on the platform in Settings ➝ Other Integrations ➝ New Integration.
On the opened page, select the integration with Webinar Stars by clicking the button with the logo.
Next, you need to enter the data generated during registration on Webinar Stars (detailed information on their location can be found below).
Name – the name of your connection, which will be displayed when creating webinar rooms.
Token – obtained from the Webinar Stars account.
Description – a description of what you use the webinar for.
Where to find the integration data for Webinar Stars:
To successfully complete the integration with Webinar Stars, you need to obtain a token.
You can do this in your previously registered Webinar Stars account.
Click on "Integrations".
Go to the "API" tab.
The API token is located in the request field. Copy only the characters highlighted in red.
After the token is generated and you have copied it for the platform, click "Create."
After that, you need to copy the webhook that will appear after creating the connection. To do this, click the "Copy to clipboard" button.
Then, save it in your Webinar Stars personal account. To do this, go to the "Integrations" menu, open the "Webhook" tab, paste the copied link into the API Webhook field, and click "Save".
After entering and saving all the necessary data on the platform, a window will appear in the "Other Integrations" section, indicating that the integration is undergoing initial synchronization.
Once your first webinar is synchronized, the message will change to "Success."
New platform parameters after integration with Webinar Stars:
A new section "Webinars" will appear on the eeloo.AI platform.
Webinars in the client card:
Webinar name;
Client's name;
Client's phone number;
Webinar start date;
Time of the webinar review by the subscriber;
Webinar duration;
Subscriber's location;
Device used for the review (in our case, a smartphone);
Information about the full or incomplete review (in our case, "Review completed").
Information about the phone number and email will only be displayed if you enable the request for these parameters in the settings on Webinar Stars. The data will be collected when entering the webinar room.
Data Synchronization:
After completing the webinar on Webinar Stars, data about the webinar and its participants will be transferred to the platform.
Individual data for each user will be entered into their Client Card for further work.
The data is distributed and assigned as follows:
The client search on the platform for recording information is done first by leeloo ID (a unique parameter automatically assigned to each user), then by email, and only after that by phone number.
For the data about users who attended the webinar to appear in the Client Card and the Webinars section, users must enter the webinar room via the "Link" button from the sales funnel.
If the client cannot be found by the specified parameters, a manual user will be created, and the webinar information will be linked to them.
Please note that during the integration, you can activate the "Automatic Profile Creation for Webinar Stars" option. After activation, manual users will appear on the platform for the entire period of working with Webinar Stars.
The estimated time for transferring webinar data from Webinar Stars to Leeloo.AI is 50 minutes, plus an additional 5-15 minutes for loading users.