API v 2.0 (en)

API v 2.0 (en)










  • In all requests, the date must be specified taking into account the zero time zone UTC-0

  • all requests must be sent in JSON format


Message templates


Get a list of message template categories

GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/categories/templates

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.


"data": {         "categories": [             {                 "id": "5e3bf3fdb70492000f72cd6c",                 "name": "Category 1"             },             {                 "id": "5e18a2a3ed0b7a000d6c948f",                 "name": "Category 2"             }         ]     },     "status": 1 }


Get a list of message templates within a category

GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/categories/templates/{category_id}

Path Params
category_id (example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) -message template categories id

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.


{     "data": {         "templates": [             {                 "id": "5e42be758d4fff000cafe6ef",                 "message_name": "test template 2"             },             {                 "id": "5e42be688d4fff000cafe5cc",                 "message_name": "test template 1"             }         ]     },     "status": 1 }



Sending a message template

POST https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/messages/send-template

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.

Request Body(json)
account_id (example: 513f543gb2737020133d25b0) - communication channel id
template_id (example: 6b3f543bb2737003133d25b4) - id of the message template on the platform

{ "account_id": "5e42be688d4fff000cafe5cc", “template_id”: “5e42be758d4fff000cafe6ef” "variables": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" } }




Get a list of messages from a chat via a communication channel


GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/communication-channels/{person_id}/chat-messages?limit=2&offset=0

Path Params
person_id (example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - communication channel id

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.

Query Params
limit - limiting the number of results (it is not recommended to upload a large amount of data at once, as this may slow down the data upload)
offset - how many results to skip (default 0)


IMPORTANT! An example of a response to a request is shown for a limit parameter set to two. When changing the value of the limit parameter, the number of messages in the response to the request will also change.


Sending messages

POST https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/messages/send-message

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.

Request Body(json)
account_id (example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - communication channel id
text - Message text


Communication channels

Get a list of communication channels (With external UTM tags)

GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/communication-channels?limit=20&offset=0&filter[last_message][from]=2020-02-10&filter[last_message][to]=2020-04-14

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.

Query Params
limit - limiting the number of results (it is not recommended to upload a large amount of data at once, as this may slow down the data upload)
offset - how many results to skip (default 0)
filter[last_message][from] - filter by last message from a specified date

filter[last_message][to] - filter by last message until a specified date



Obtaining information about a person via a communication channel (get person id knowing the account id parameter)

GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/communication-channels/{account_id}/person 

Path Params
account_id (example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - communication channel id

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.





Create traffic sources in LGT

POST https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/leadgentools/{leadgentool_id}/create-traffic-source

Path Params
leadgentool_id (example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - id инструмента лидогенерации

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.

Request Body(json)
name - traffic source name
description - traffic source description




Create manual order

POST https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/orders

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.

Request Body(json)
paymentCreditsId (example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b2) - payment system id. You can find out in the platform settings, section with payment systems.
email - Person's email address
phone - man's phone
transactionDate - the desired transaction date (for display on the platform) is indicated in the format 2020-02-04T11:46:48.803Z
offerId (example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - offer id
isNotifyAccount - inform the person about the creation of an order or not (can be true or false)
personId (example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b1) - person id
managerId (example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - platform user id and to whom the order will be assigned. Optional. If you do not specify a specific user, the sale will be System



Get a list of orders

GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/orders?limit=20&offset=0

Query Params
limit - limiting the number of results (it is not recommended to upload a large amount of data at once, as this may slow down the data upload)
offset - how many results to skip (default 0)

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.



Get information on a separate order

GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/orders/{order_id}

Path Params
order_id (example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - айди конкретного ордера

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.



Update information in a MANUAL (manual) order

The order CANNOT BE with partial payments

POST https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/orders/{order_id}

Path Params
order_id (example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - manual order ID without partial payments.

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.

Request Body(form-data)
status example: 'RESOLVED', (one_of: RESOLVED REJECTED)
paymentDate example: '2018-06-27 07:32',
currency example: 'RUB',
price example: '100' (actual price that you receive from account),
userComments example: 'actual date dont match'




Get a list of people

GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/people?limit=20&offset=100&filter[tags]=vip&filter[tags]=tag2&filter[last_message][from]=2015-04-02&filter[last_message][to]=2015-04-03&filter[phone]=+380966565556&filter[email]=feliks@gmail.com

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.

Query Params
limit - limiting the number of results (it is not recommended to upload a large amount of data at once, as this may slow down the data upload)
offset - how many results to skip (default 0)
filter[tags] - if filtering by tags is required. Optional
filter[last_message] { from: 'js_date', to: 'js_date' } - filter by date of the last message. Required.
filter[phone] - filter by phone number. Optional
filter[email] - filter by email. Optional



Get information about a specific person

GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/people/{person_id}?include=contactedUsers,orders

Path Params
person_id (example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - id человека на платформе

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.



Update information in the customer card

PUT https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/people/{person_id}

Path Params
person_id (example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - айди человека.

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.

Request Body(json)


Add a person on the platform

POST https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/people

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.

Request Body(json)

NOTE: connected_users_ids - is not required




Add SMS connection to a person

POST https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/people/sms

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.

Request Body(json)



Add a comment to a person

PUT https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/people/{person_id}/add-comment

Path Params
person_id (example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - person id

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.

Request Body(json)




Get a list of tags


IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.



Remove a tag from a person

PUT https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/people/{person_id}/remove-tag

Path Params
person_id (example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - person id

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.

Request Body(form-data)
tag_id (example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - tag id



Add a tag to a person

PUT https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/people/{person_id}/add-tag

Path Params
person_id (example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - person id

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.

Request Body(form-data)
tag_id (example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - tag id




Get a list of tunnels

GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/tunnels?limit=20&offset=0

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.

Query Params
limit - limiting the number of results (it is not recommended to upload a large amount of data at once, as this may slow down the data upload)
offset - how many results to skip (default 0)



Get information about the tunnel


Path Params
tunnel_id (example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - id тунеля

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.



Get statistics for all tunnels


IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.



Get statistics for one tunnel


Path Params
tunnel_id (example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - id тунеля

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.




Get a list of platform users


IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.

Query Params
limit - limit the number of results
offset - how many results to skip (default 0)



Get information on a specific platform user


Path Params
user_id - platform user id

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.



Getting a list of communication channels

GET https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/connections

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.


Subscription to tunnel and tunnel block:

POST https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/communication-channels/{account_id}/manual-subscribe

Path Params
account_id - ID of the communication channel that needs to be subscribed

IMPORTANT: Pass your auth token in 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken' header.

Request Body(form-data)
tunnel_id (example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - tunnel id
tunnel_block_id (example: 5b3f543bb2737000133d25b0) - block id in the tunnel
