Filtration Panel

Filtration Panel













A filter panel is a tool designed to filter customers, orders and sales. Allows you to filter by different parameters: by name, tunnel, lead generation tool, phone, etc. Present on all pages where there is a list of subscribers: in Chats, CRM, Sales Plans, when choosing a target audience in Smart Mailing. Also present in the Orders and Sales section. The filtration panel is located at the top of the window. In most cases, it looks like the image below:

By default, only basic filters are visible. To expand the panel with all filters, click the button  


How to filter clients?

To filter clients, set the desired filtering parameters (tag, tunnel, etc.), and click the button Button resets all filtering parameters in the filter panel.

Clicking the button The side filtration panel will open. In the drop-down list, select the element you want to filter by:

Logical AND/OR filtering

When using multiple filters, the logical AND principle is applied by default. Each filter is a specific condition for collecting results. Only those that match all filters are included in the results. If at least one filtering condition is not met, the element will not be included in the result. To display a list of clients that match at least one of the specified filters, and not all, you need to change the filtering principle to “logical OR”. To change the filtering principle, use the switch :

After this, filter taking into account the change in the filtration principle.

If the Match function is disabled. with everyone, subscribers will be selected who are either subscribed to the “test” tunnel, or those who made an order “10 rub test”. This list will include subscribers, both those who satisfy all the selected conditions, and those who satisfy at least one condition.

When Sovp. with all (by default), after filtering, only those subscribers who subscribed to the “test” tunnel and who had an order “10 rub test” will be selected. That is, which satisfy both conditions.

Inverting filtering (inverse filter)

To invert the selected filter, click the button . If you select one tunnel, click on the button  and apply a filter, then as a result you will see subscribers of all tunnels EXCEPT the specified one.


By phone number

Filters by phone number. Returns all subscribers who have the specified phone number in their card.

Options: Any phone number.

By email

Filters by email address. Returns all subscribers who have the specified email address in their card.

Options: Any email address.

By clients

Filters by a specific subscriber or several.

Options: All subscribers.

By the tunnel

Filters by a specific tunnel. Displays subscribers of the selected tunnels.

Options: All existing tunnels in the system.

By lead generation tool

Filters by specific lead generation tool. Displays users who signed up through the selected lead generation tools.

Options: All existing lead generation tools (of any type) in the system.

By traffic source

Filters by "traffic source" lgt

By communication channel

Filters by communication channel (chat bot) to which the user is subscribed.

By connection status

Filters by subscriber status.

Options: Stopped, Enabled, Unsubscribed, Stopped by user, Connection lost.

Availability of a credit card

Filters by the presence of users who left card data.

By order

Filters by the presence of generated orders for selected offers.

Options: All existing offers in the system.

By purchases

Filters by the presence of successful purchases for selected offers.

Options: All existing offers in the system.

By tags

Filters by the presence of a specific tag in a subscriber.

Options: All existing tags in the system.

Days since last message

Filters by the time of the last message in a chat with a subscriber. shows everyone who has messages written by the user for a specified period. This will help you filter out people who have not yet fallen under the 24-hour rule from Facebook or WhatsApp and to whom you can still send messages without restrictions.

Options: Number of days, Fall within 24 hours

Has a chat with

Filters by the presence of a chat with a specific platform user (manager).

Options: All users of the account in the platform.

By sales plan

Filters by client membership in the selected sales plan

Options: All existing sales plans.

By date

Filters by the time the subscriber appeared in the system. Two dates must be specified: From and To. Returns all subscribers who appeared in the system during a specified period of time.

Options: Two dates.

By custom fields

It is now possible to filter people by custom fields.

By sent mailings 

Filtering by sent smart mailings.

If you need to filter the clients to whom a smart mailing was delivered, use the "Sent mailings" filter.


by failed mailings

Filtering by failed smart mailings.

If you need to filter out clients to whom a smart mailing was not delivered, use the "Failed mailings" filter.

By sent buttons

Filters users to whom the specified button was sent.

By buttons pressed

The filter will show users who clicked on the specified button in the filter.

По вебинарам

Если Вы используете интеграцию с Bizon365 и хотите фильтровать Ваших подписчиков по условию посещения вебинара, примените данный фильтр. 

To make it easier to understand what kind of webinar you need, the drop-down list indicates the date, duration and number of viewers.

“duration” - shows the duration of viewing the webinar; if you specify from 30 to 45 minutes, it will return to you all users who watched the webinar for 30 to 45 minutes.

By number of sales

The filter will show customers who have made at least one purchase of any kind.

By webinar room

The room filter will be available after integrating bizon365 to create binary rooms. You can filter more than one room and set a date and time period.

By sites visited

Filters out users who have visited the site, activated after installing the inite code on the site.

By subscribing to the page

The “by page subscription” filter works correctly only for Instagram. In order for it to work correctly, in addition to this filter, you need to apply the “by communication channel” filter and select Instagram bot.

Special filters for Orders and Sales

By clients

Filters by client name. You can specify several names at once.

By payment system account

Allows you to select the required merchandise (payment systems);

By the tunnel

Filters by a specific tunnel. Displays subscribers of the selected tunnels.

Options: All existing tunnels in the system.

By lead generation tool

Filters by specific lead generation tool. Displays users who signed up through the selected lead generation tools.

Options: All existing lead generation tools (of any type) in the system.

By order

Filters by the presence of generated orders for selected offers.

Options: All existing offers in the system.

By date

Filters by time of order. Both dates must be specified. Returns all orders generated within the specified time period.

Options: Two dates.

By price

Filters by the price of the generated order. You must specify two numbers. Returns orders that fall within the specified range.

Options: Two numbers.

By payment system account

Filters by the presence of successful purchases through the selected payment system account.

Options: All payment system accounts.

By sales manager

A new filter has appeared in the “orders and sales” section, “by sales manager” which will show you all the sales that are assigned to the specified manager.

Unverified sales

Displays sales that have not been verified by the head of the sales department.