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В этой инструкции:
Sales Tunnels
Sales tunnels are created on this tab. The tunnel is a tree-like structure, it is built from blocks, and the blocks form branches. Using a special button in the functional panel, you can now switch to convenient display modes for sales tunnels: tiled (by default) and list (recommended for use with a large number of tunnels)
Tiled display of sales tunnels:
Displaying the sales tunnel with a list:
When you click on the button with the name of the tunnel, its entire content opens.
Breadcrumb navigation
Makes it easier for you to navigate between different system elements in sections. In the "Sales Tunnels" section, you can use it to switch between tunnels and lead generation tools:
A block is a structural unit of a tunnel. The block contains the elements of the message and the conditions for sending it.
Types of blocks in the tunnel
A message is a standard block for placing content in it.
First block - the first block to place content in.
Delay - a block for creating a time delay, a delay with valid parameters and sending a block with content or a block with actions at a precisely specified time.
Trigger - in this block you can check the conditions “Order” and “Site”.
Filter - using this block you can check whether a person fits a certain filter.
Action - a block that specifies the execution of actions "Start" - starting a chain of blocks starting from a specific block of the specified tunnel and "Stop" the chain of blocks starting from a specific block of the specified tunnel.
General view of the content block
Lead generation tools that lead to the block
If a block of the tunnel is led by an LGT (that is, in the LGT settings this block is selected as the first block), then when you hover the mouse cursor over this block, their total number (1) will be displayed and after clicking on the button with the number of LGT, their full list opens .
When you hover over the first block of the tunnel, the LGT list will not be displayed.
How the tunnel works
The tunnel is an automated distribution. Subscription to the tunnel occurs through LGT.
After subscription, the client receives the message from the first block. Next, the tunnel blocks continue to be activated from left to right. When a block is activated, conditions are checked. If the conditions are met, then the message from the block is sent to the subscriber, and the “activation wave” continues to move to the right. If the block conditions are not met, then the activation of this branch is suspended until the block conditions are satisfied.