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Table of Contents


To configure the lead subscription function to a block in the funnel, describe it as follows:

Code Block
  "name": "functionSTART_nameTUNNEL",
  "description": "Subscribe user to a tunnel block 67923e109cf6cf5c3ca547c3",
  "strict": true,
  "parameters": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
      "tunnel_block_id": {
        "type": "string",
        "description": "Id in description"
    "required": ["tunnel_block_id"],
    "additionalProperties": false


  • function_name change to your function's name. This name will appear in the list of functions, for example: add_to_crm, add_tag, etc.description – describe the action and subscription conditionsmust be only START_TUNNEL!

  • description – The only edit field in the code above for correct operation. In it, you describe the actions and conditions of subscribing to a block in the sales funnel. In this line, you need to specify the subscription action by indicating specifying your block ID from the required desired sales funnel. Replace 67923e109cf6cf5c3ca547c3 , shown specified in the example above , with your block ID.

4. Adding a Function to AI Assistant


  1. Go to the Assistants section on the OpenAI platform and create or select an existing AI Assistant.

  2. Navigate to the System instructions section of your AI Assistant.

  3. Add a condition to the base instruction or a condition file specifying when the assistant should call the function. Example:

    "If the client asks about membership, provide information about membership and then activate the function (functionSTART_nameTUNNEL)"

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  4. In the Functions section of your assistant, enter the function execution command (functionSTART_nameTUNNEL).

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  5. Insert the JSON code of the function and specify tunnel_block_id in the description of your function.

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Now, the AI Assistant will analyze client dialogues and, based on their messages, execute the appropriate actions on the platform.
