Ability to create an email account on the platform via an API request
Creation rules:
Data for creating an account can be transmitted: email (required field), phone (optional field (do not record if not validated)), name (optional field)
If only the email string is loaded, an account is created with a contact email and a name equal to email
If the email string does not pass validation, the account is not created.
Response example
"status": 0,
"error": {
"fields": {
"data/0/email": "WRONG_EMAIL"
"code": "FORMAT_ERROR"
4. The case is when there is already a linked email account with the same email and the same connection. Then you need to ignore it.
Response example: (аналогичен обычному ответу)
"data": {
"count_to_process": 1
"status": 1
When creating an account, you can add a tag
Paste into the request body: (full example below)
"tags": "5d0a4d2cf73822000c44994c"
where 5d0a4d2cf73822000c44994c is the tag id. It can be copied in settings -> tags -> copy id
6. When creating an account, an email connection must be selected.
"connection_id": "5cfa283a2e9096000b440d51". (full example below)
where 5cfa283a2e9096000b440d51 is the connection id. It can be copied in settings -> messengers -> connection (for example SendGrid) -> copy id
POST: https://api.leeloo.ai/api/v2/accounts/email
In Headers:
Specify Content type: application/json,
X-Leeloo-AuthToken - company token
In the body of the request put:
Request example:
"email": "revolt@xmpl.net",
"name" : "Robin Hood"
"phone": "+380963333333"
"connection_id": "5cfa283a2e9096000b440d51",
"tags": "5d0a4d2cf73822000c44994c"
Response example:
"data": {
"count_to_process": 1
"status": 1
email - client email
name - client name
phone - client phone
connection id - id of the connection that was created on the platform (Sendgrid, Mandril)
tags - tag id that will be assigned to the user upon creation