Leeloo.AI platform Chat-bot connection:

Leeloo.AI platform Chat-bot connection:



In this section, you will find step-by-step instructions on how to connect chatbots to the Leeloo.AI platform.
Learn how to integrate Facebook, Telegram, WhatsApp, Instagram, and other channels to automate marketing and customer communication.
Follow the guides to quickly set up the necessary services:

  1. How to connect a Facebook page

  2. How to connect a Telegram bot

  3. Connecting business WhatsApp

  4. Connecting Sendgrid (email distribution)

  5. Connecting Mandrill (email distribution)

  6. Connecting Twilio (SMS distribution)

  7. Connecting Instagram


After connecting the bots to the platform, you will be able to link them to your LGT as communication channels.

If you have no connection with the communication channel, reconnect the bot.


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