Authorization token
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Getting the Authorization Token (Getting Token)
To use the API on theLeeloo.AI platform, you need to obtain a special code — the authorization token.
To copy the token, go to Settings (1) → Integrations (2) → Leeloo API (3) → Tokens (4) → Copy to Clipboard (5).
You can also refresh the token (6).
On this page, you can also enable Webhook (7). For more details about Webhooks, refer to the WebHooks (API) instruction.
Important: Ensure that you copy the token without any spaces at the beginning or the end.
1 - Settings section.
2 - Integrations subsection.
3 - Leeloo API page.
4 - Field where the Token is displayed.
5 - Button to copy the token.
6 - Button to refresh the token.
7 - Button to enable the Webhook.
Using the Token
Further interaction with the API is carried out through HTTP requests.
You must include your token with each request by specifying it in the request header 'X-Leeloo-AuthToken'.
Field to enter: X-Leeloo-AuthToken.
Field where your API token must be inserted.