LGT Smart Respone

LGT Smart Respone

LGT Smart Response


This lead generation tool allows you to subscribe to a given block of the sales tunnel by writing a keyword (trigger) in the chat by the user.


How to create this LGT type.

1. follow LGT tab in your sales tunnel

2. Press “+LGT” button

3. Choose Smart Response

4. give a name to your LGT

5. choose a sales tunnel block which will be sent after subscription to this LGT

6. press Save button


After you created LGT, you can use it in your Smart responses.


Follow AI Support - Response Automation - Smart Responses. Choose a sales tunnel, where you want to create Smart Response, add trigger words and answer to this trigger and in the filed LGT select your Smart Response LGT.


Also, you can use LGT Smart Response in your Instagram bot, in Instagram response settings you also have an opportunity to choose smart response LGT. When your customers will subscribed to your Instagram bot, they will start to receive sales tunnel where this LGT was created.

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