

Lead Gean Tools
The section "Lead generation tool" (abbreviated as LGT) is used to create tools through which the user can subscribe to the sales tunnel, or switch to another sales tunnel. Currently, there are 8 types of lgt. After subscribing, the user will appear in the chats and CRM platform. With this tool, you can collect contact information about users or additional information.
In order to get to the section "Lead generation tools" you need to go to the "Sales Tunnels" tab, then select the required tunnel and click on the Open lgt button:

on the right side of your screen, you will see a page with all LGTs created for the selected tunnel:

  • button "show statistic of lead gean tools" will open the stat for each LGT, where will be the type, possibility to open lgt, copy id or move to the block with this lgt on the sales tunnel screen.

With the search filed you can fond LGT you need, do to it start type a name or insert the URL of your LGT.
And below, you have an opportunity to sort your LGT section by types or by statistic to find the best working one.

On each LGT you have options to

  • open it
  • copy LGT link
  • copy LGT id
  • move to LGT block on the sales tunnel screen
  • to see that messengers are selected in this LGT

How to created Lead Gen tool
If you want to created new LGT you need to press riggt button of your mouse on the sales tunnel screen and the menu with selection of the block type will appear

In this menu you need to choose Leadgen Tool and leadgen tool block will be created

Following next steps you will choose the type of your LGT and you will fill it with content
First, press to the block you have created and the menu with LGT types will appear:

Link - it is the simple link to subscription. Used for any ad or to put it anywhere.
QR code - like the link one, but also QR code will be generated
Website widget - Using to place the button with LGT in the corner of the website
PopUp - using to place on the website to be opened by click, ot timer, or exit
Form - using to place on the website the static subscription form
FB ad - special LGT for Facebook ads, using with the type of Ad named Messages
Subscribe button - the button with using to transfer customers between sales tunnels block
Smart response - LGT type which is using for subscri by type a trigger word to the bot
When you will choose the type, follow the steps where you need to put content to your LGT.
General settings

After creating the lead generation tool, you need to go through the Basic Settings of your LGT.

LGT Constructor consists of three parts: General Settings, Content, Traffic Settings.
By filling in all the fields correctly, you can create a convenient and effective tool for subscribing customers to your Leeloo.ai platform account.

1. The name of LGT. Serves to identify tools for lead generation to the system. Maximum length: 25 characters;
2. LGT theme - You can create your own LGT style
3. Connecting messengers (communication channels, bots) to this LGT. At least one connection must be connected to each LGT, otherwise, the new LGT will not be saved, and when you click on the link to the LGT, which was imported with the tunnel template, you will receive a 404 error. You can select any connection that is connected to the platform. If you have not yet connected a single connection to the platform, then do it using the appropriate instructions.
4. Communication channel - select in this paragraph the connection of the bot on whose behalf the content will be sent in this lead generation tool. When you select a communication channel, the connection status is displayed.
5. Communication channel - select in this item the connection of the bot on behalf of which the content will be sent in this leadogenization tool. When you select a communication channel, the connection status is displayed.
The section allows you to edit the appearance of LGT.
Block - A tool that can create elements, such as: "Image", "Text", "Form", "Subscription buttons", Video, elements are not static after creation or editing, elements can be repositioned or deleted, deleted elements cannot be restored if accidental deletion occurred in In this case, do not save the lgt settings, but just go to a new section, then open lgt again, but this method only works for already created lgt.

Image This element allows you to upload an image to the LGT page, we recommend using a 600x300 format or a 2 to 1 ratio, it is also possible to upload a gif animation with a maximum size of 2.2 mb. In addition, you can add videos to the lgt page, but adding requires certain knowledge and skills, we recommend that you contact the programmer. Instructions for adding video;

Form - An element that allows you to add fields, there are 2 basic types of fields email and phone, which do not need to be created in the settings, after adding the field, you also need to name it, you can add fields in the settings, fields can be made required for filling or not required. The basic fields email and phone, after filling in on lgt, transfer information to the client's card, for these user parameters can be found in the crm. For the rest of the fields, you can only set the field itself in the filtering panel, but not the value that the user entered, for example: filter by the presence of the "Old" field; system display all users who filled in.

Add field - this element allows you to edit the names of fields;
Field type - allows you to select the required type of system or user field;
Down button / Up button - moves the element to the lower position, moves the field / element to the upper position, the buttons are located on the right side of the each element.
Delete - deletes an irreversibly selected field / element;
Subscribe buttons - an element through which the user can subscribe such elements can be more than one in any part of the LGT;

Block resubscribing - a function that blocks the ability to re-subscribe one by one;
Quick subscription - when this function is activated, the user will not be offered a different type of messenger when re-subscribing, more about this function;
A footer is a continuous structural element located at the bottom of the page. It is mainly used as a block of additional information and linking, less often as an auxiliary tool for collecting leads. This element cannot be shifted, it is always at the bottom;

Privacy Policy - the text of which will be displayed when clicking on "Terms of Use & Privacy Policy";
Agree with all policies - the state of the "tick" of agreement with the privacy policies: so that it was marked immediately upon opening LGT, or so that it was necessary to mark it before subscribing;
LGT Width - allows you to set the LGT page width manually;
Mobile (standard) - 400px;
Its-assigned manually;
VK content - allows you to personalize the display of the Leeloo.ai application on the VK social network as you need it. In order to edit this menu, in the LGT settings for the VK chat bot, click on the VK content switch (it appears only when you add a VK bot in the "Basic settings" - "Communication channels" section)
Back - a navigation button that returns to the previous section;
Next - a navigation button that moves to the next section;

Traffic settings
The "Traffic Settings" section exists for a more accurate and personalized setting of your LGT, including tracking the effectiveness of different traffic sources and referrals.

1. The first message of the tunnel. Tunnel block, from which the sending of tunnel messages will begin, when subscribing through this LGT. You can choose from a list of all blocks of the tunnel to which this LGT belongs. By default, sending starts from the first block of the tunnel;
2. Internal - the checkbox is internal, when the function is enabled, the analytics will not be counted by lgt.
3. The name of the traffic source. Default traffic source - traffic source that is created automatically after generating a link to LGT.
4. Direct link. Direct link is generated only for LGT type "link"
5. + Add traffic source - allows you to create traffic sources, for more details see the link.
6. Script for the HEAD tag - allows you to place third-party scripts in the head tag field, after adding it must be saved.
7. Script for the BODY tag - allows you to place third-party scripts in the body tag field, after adding it must be saved.
8. Open - a link for a traffic source. When clicked, the link will be followed, which contains a parameter indicating a specific traffic source.
9. Copying the link to the traffic source to the clipboard.
10. Button for deleting a traffic source. You can delete all traffic sources except the default one.

1. SEO (search engine optimization) fields - a section in which you can configure snipet for search engines.
2. Indexability by search engines - a parameter that includes the parameter <META NAME = "ROBOTS" CONTENT = "NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW">, this parameter is disabled by default.
3. Title - the ability to add a title;
4. Description - the ability to add a description;
5. Image - the ability to add an image.
If you are creating a new lead generation tool, then you need to click on the "generate" button
Also, on this step you cann add an event to the Facebook or google analytics

In this menu you have to choose:

  • action type: view or subscribe of your LGT
  • Analytics where you want to sent data
  • Event which you want to sent

And do not forget to save LGT
In this section, after setting the previous items, a preview will be available, when lgt will be re-edited on the right side of the screen, the preview will always be displayed. For LGT type Form, widget and Pop-up window, scripts for their placement on the site will be available at this step.
By pressing the button "Create a copy" - an identical copy of LGT is created. The copy can be edited independently of the original;
If you click on the "Delete" button, LGT is deleted irrevocably, so it is not recommended to delete lead generation tools;

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