Features of sending messages in Facebook Messenger. Rule 24+1

Features of sending messages in Facebook Messenger. Rule 24+1











Please note that the social network Facebook currently limits the capabilities of chatbots and work with APIs for various platforms. This is done on their part in order to increase people’s loyalty to Facebook and limit as much as possible the receipt of spam on this social network. Due to these restrictions, the conversions you can get through Facebook are potentially significantly lower than the conversions you can get through Talagram or Viber, so we recommend using Telegram and Viber as your main communication channels. Below, we have described several restrictions, but the main one is compliance with the rules for sending content, that is, all your messages that you are going to send through facebook must comply with their rules, otherwise the messages simply will not be sent.

As of March 4, 2020, Facebook is changing the rules for sending messages to users. Now, messages containing the Facebook tag NON_PROMOTIONAL_SUBSCRIPTION will be available for sending only to verified news pages. We have also added additional tags to Facebook tags, which will become relevant as of March 4, 2020. We advise you to double-check the purpose of your messages and add a tag depending on the purpose. If the tags are not set, we will by default pass the CONFIRMED_EVENT_UPDATE tag. For more detailed information, you can read the information in the documentation provided by the Facebook platform at the link: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/send-messages/message-tags/

Also, Facebook has limited the ability to use chatbot platforms for the countries of the European Union; these restrictions dated December 16 affected groups of users from 27 EU countries, as well as Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and the UK.

There are three user groups:

  • Facebook pages registered for the specified countries.

  • Facebook pages with a page administrator from the specified countries.

  • Chatbot subscribers from specified countries.

Thus, if the Facebook page or administrator is registered in the specified countries, then the restriction will affect all users of the chatbot. If the Facebook page and page administrator are not from the specified countries, but there are users from the specified countries, then the restrictions will affect these users.

Как было ранее


Facebook announced changes that will take effect on July 31, 2019, and will affect sending messages. Now, in order to send messages to users, you must obtain special permission.

“24 + 1" rule: You have 24 hours to respond to a message sent by a user. You are also allowed to send 1 message after 24 hours. Every time a person responds, the clock starts anew:

Facebook requirements for messages that are scheduled to be sent:

It is prohibited to send any advertising content.

Content must comply with all Facebook, Messenger policies and community standards.

The message must only contain content that falls within one of the acceptable use cases for the subscription messaging policy (news, productivity, or personal monitoring).

Contain the message tag NON_PROMOTIONAL_SUBSCRIPTION in the body of the request (On our side, all messages from sales tunnels are marked with such a tag automatically, or you can choose the one you need, in the video below there is an explanation on this issue).

Blocking message sending:

In order to fully subscribe to a Facebook chat bot, the user must perform a response action (sending a message) by clicking on the “Start” button, otherwise Facebook will apply the 24+1 Rule (response action within the specified time) , which blocks the ability to send a message to this user.



To apply, you need to log into your Facebook profile:

1. С права в меню выберите ваши “Страницы“ ;



2. Выберите необходимую страницу которую нужно верифицировать:



3. Перейдите в раздел “Настройки”;




3.In the menu that opens, on the right, find the “Advanced” sectionобмен сообщениями”



  1. After opening the loading page, you need to scroll to the very bottom to the “Requested Features” item, then expand the “User Information” item;




  1. Then you need to send 3 items “Gender”, “Language/Region”, “Time Zone” for verification, to do this you need to click “Confirm”, write a request and send, click the “Save draft” button;

6.1 Сделать “Запрос к полу”;



6.2 Потом “Запрос доступа к языку”;



6.3 После этого “Запросите доступ к часовому поясу”;




  1. After filling out the fields “Gender”, “Language/Region”, “Time Zone”, you can start sending requests; to do this, click on the “Submit for Verification” button.



  1. After sending requests, the following message will appear.



Note: a case of successfully passing Facebook verification from our client:

Add a screencast to your application - a video that shows the first steps of interaction between the bot and a subscriber. How to do this, see the link: Шесть лучших бесплатных программ для записи видео с экрана - newreporter.org

Demonstrate a real example of useful content in your sales tunnel (this could be a training article, guide, recipe, advice, etc.)

Show an example of messages that are scheduled to be sent. Please note that these messages must be strictly NOT advertising in nature. For example, educational content, question or other information that does not contain advertising.

An example of a message if you selected the “News” item when submitting your application: At the presentation on March 25, I presented an atypical service for myself - Apple Arcade. The gaming platform will be available on the company’s main operating systems – macOS and iOS. Analysts believe that Apple can make another revolution in the gaming industry - after all, the company approached the creation of the service carefully and scrupulously. In addition, the corporation has allocated a considerable amount to attract developers.

Если не одобрили

There are cases when an application is not approved the first time. The main thing is not to despair, we know a case where we received approval on the 8th attempt. At this time, Facebook does not limit the number of attempts. Also note that according to Facebook policy, they may not comment on why a page was not approved. This doesn't mean you won't succeed. Just take a closer look at the information you sent, try to change something, and try again.

So if you get rejected, re-read our recommendations and try again. Using this link you can read the official information from Facebook https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/policy/page-subscription-messaging

At the same time, Facebook provides the opportunity to enable paid distribution of messages that contain advertising content, this function on the side of the Facebook platform is called Sponsored Messaging - this is a paid type of distribution of messages that are sent through the Facebook Marketing API, such messages may contain advertising content and can be sent outside the limitation of the 24+1 rule. Read more in the Facebook platform documentation at this link:
