Sending video notes (circles) in a Telegram communication channel
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In Telegram, there is an option to record video notes (circles) in bots for further sending to users. Video notes (circles) can be viewed outside the chat with the bot, and their series plays automatically in sequence. They "weigh" less than standard videos, which significantly reduces loading time and conversion into views
The circles are up to 1 minute long. If you need to record a longer video message, record a series that will be played sequentially in the bot without the need to click on each video note
To add a video note, you need to go to the message constructor, select the "Telegram" tab, and choose the message type "Video note."
There are three ways to add content to a video note:
Upload as a file. To do this:
Record a video note in Telegram on your phone.
Download the note to your phone or computer
Open the message constructor (available in tunnels, chats, broadcasts)
Click on “+Message” and select the message type “Video note”
Click the “Upload file” button and select the downloaded video note file from your device
Add a video note by ID. To do this:
Record a video note in Telegram on your phone
Send it to your Telegram bot, where the video note will be used for sending
Log into the chat where you sent the video note on the platform
Click on the file menu and select the option "Copy file ID"
Open the message constructor (available in tunnels, chats, broadcasts), click on “+Message” and select the message type “Video note”
Enter the file ID and save the message
IMPORTANT! Video notes added to content blocks will be sent only in the bot where you sent these files and whose IDs you received in the conversation in the "Chats" section
Add a video note by link by posting the note in a Telegram channel. To do this:
Record a video note in Telegram on your phone
Create a new Telegram channel, give it a name, and make it public
It is important to keep in mind that by sending your files to a public Telegram channel, access to view these files will be available to other Telegram users who may subscribe to this channel. Therefore, it is advisable to consider this factor when choosing the channel name, so that it is harder to find in the search bar
Add your Telegram bot, which you plan to use for sending broadcasts, to the created Telegram channel
Send your video note to the created channel
Click the menu and select “Copy link to message”
Open the message constructor (available in tunnels, chats, broadcasts)
Paste the copied link to the message and save or send