Notifications in Telegram through the action block

Notifications in Telegram through the action block

Sending notifications about events with subscribers from the Leeloo.Ai platform to a Telegram channel or group

In order to solve the problem of timely receiving information about new leads in your tunnel, you can use the instructions below, which show how to use the “Action” block to send notifications about new leads with contact information and other variables to the Telegram group.

In order to promptly receive information about new leads in your tunnel, you can use the instructions below, which show how, using the “Action” block, configure the sending of data about new leads with contact information and other data that interests you so that you are always aware of new leads entering your sales tunnel.

Setting up sending notifications to a Telegram channel or group takes place in several stages

1 Create a Telegram bot or use an existing bot

1.1 To create a new bot in Telegram, you need to go to Telegram and subscribe to the BotFather bot


1.2 Enter the command /newbot in the line and press enter

1.3 Next, you need to set the name of the bot that will be displayed for Telegram users

(Example botleeloo)

1.4 Set the username for the bot username must end in _bot

(example leeloo199_bot)

Your bot is ready. For further integration you need to copy the bot's API token

If you already have a ready-made telegram bot or several, you need to go to BotFather

enter the command /mybots in the list that opens, select the desired bot and click API token

2 Create a Telegram channel or group

3 Add our Telegram bot to the group

4. In the group settings, make the group public and set the name using the English layout without spaces.

5. You need to get a group Chat ID

To do this, we create a link


where we change YOUR BOT TOKEN to the API token that was generated in the BotFather chat, and change the GROUP NAME to the name of the created group you specified.

After the link is generated, copy the link, paste it into the address bar of your browser and press enter.

In the page that opens, find ChatID and copy it

6. Go to the settings of the created group and change the group type back from “Public” to “Private”

for security purposes of information and contact details.

7. Forming a working link


Where, accordingly, we change YOUR BOTT TOKEN to the API token that was generated in the BotFather chat, and we change ChatID to your copied ChatID from step 5.

8. We go to the tunnel from which we set up data transfer to Telegram, right-click and create a red “Action” block, go into it, click “Add” and select “Sending an external request” from the list.

9. Выбираем метод POST

10. In the URL section, insert the link you previously generated (step 7.)

11. In the “Body” section we create a Json script depending on the purpose of data transfer according to the template where you can add any data you are interested in through variables.

{ "text":"🎯 New subscriber: {name } \n 🔹 tel.: {phone} \n 🔹 Chat: https://app.leeloo.ai/chats/all/PersonID/ID/ " }

12. To transfer data, use the variable functionality by replacing the template version of the corresponding variable

You can connect this block both to the LGT to receive notifications about new leads, and to the blocks by creating a copy and changing the name in the body of the request (for example, ordered a consultation, completed a survey, and so on) thus tracking the movement of leads in your tunnel. This will allow you and your managers to effectively track the stages of clients’ movement through the tunnel and allow you to instantly respond and process each potential client in a timely manner. Don't miss the opportunity to keep abreast of all events and keep your finger on the pulse of your business.

Video on setting up notifications with a link to chat with a lead


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