Request info
UA | US | RU
In Telegram, there is an option to record subscribers' responses in bots for further use with the "Request Information" block in message blocks
In the opened window, select:
Type of requested information
Specify the field in which the requested data should be saved
For the data types "Phone number" and "Email," there are standard fields in the platform. For other types of requested information, you need to create custom fields of the required type in advance
Waiting time: The time during which the bot will wait for the user's response. After the specified time expires, the user will receive a message about the lack of response
Important! While the response waiting block is active, all subsequent message blocks in the sales tunnel for the subscriber are paused and will resume once the waiting time set in this block expires. However, the waiting does not stop other functional blocks such as actions or filters, so we recommend placing an empty message block after the information request block and building further connections in the tunnel from there
You can also mark the received message with information from the subscriber in the chat as automatically read – to do this, you need to check the checkbox
Set the text of the message that the user will receive. The text should include a request for the user to take action and provide the information
Set the text of the message confirming the successful receipt of the user's response. By default, the field is already filled, but you can change the message text
In case of a successful response, you can choose an action and subscribe the user to the next or necessary block of the tunnel by clicking "Start" or stop the user's movement by clicking "Stop"
Error message. The text of the message is set by default and informs the user that the response format is not acceptable
Message about no response. The user will receive this message once the specified time has elapsed if there is no response
In case of no response, you can choose an action and subscribe the user to the next or necessary block of the tunnel by clicking "Start" or stop the user's movement by clicking "Stop"