Types of LGT

Types of LGT





You can select the LGT type by going to the Lead Generation Tools section of the “Sales Tunnels” tab by clicking on the “+LGT” button:



The simplest type of LHT. It can only be opened through the generated link. It does not have any special parameters. More details about lgt type link.





This type of LGT requires the implementation of a special code into your website, which will create a button, when clicked, the LGT will be generated directly on your site.

In the widget settings, you can additionally:

Enter the text for the widget button. Maximum length: 28 characters;

Select the background and text color for the button;

Select a position for the button: it can be located in any corner of the screen.





This type of LGT requires the implementation of a special code into your website, which will generate a subscription form directly on your website.



Pop-up window



This type of LGT requires the implementation of a special code into your website, which will generate a subscription form on your site when certain actions are performed.

When creating an LGT of the "Pop-up window" type, you will be asked to select its subtype. Subtypes differ in triggers that trigger the generation of a subscription form.


Trigger types:

action. Triggered when a specific element is used (for example, when a button is clicked). The trigger element is determined by the presence as id of the selector specified in the LGT settings;

exit. Fires when the cursor of a visitor to your site crosses the top border of the window with the page in the browser. Does not work on touch screen mobile phones;

timer. Triggers after the specified number of seconds after your site is opened in the browser.





QR code

Has all the properties of the Link type. Among other things, along with the link, it also generates a QR code to go to the subscription form.





FB ad

LGT type FB Ad can only be used within the social network Facebook and within FB Messenger. When creating such an LGT, you will receive a code in JSON format, which must be inserted into your Facebook ad.



Subscribe button

Using the “subscribe button” LGT type, you can redirect people from one tunnel/branch to another tunnel/branch with just one click on the button. A subscribe button can be added to almost any message in the system.



LGT Smart Response

This lead generation tool allows you to subscribe to a given block of the sales tunnel by writing a keyword (trigger) into the chat by the user.

1.1 FB comments

When a subscriber comments on a fan page post on Facebook, he can be subscribed to the tunnel. Accordingly, he will be included in the platform’s CRM and you will be able to continue dialogue with him.




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