Orders and Sales

Orders and Sales



Track and manage your customers' orders and payments in the Orders and Sales section


In the top left corner, there is a tab switcher

  1. All Orders - this tab contains a list of all regular orders. This tab opens immediately after entering the Orders and Sales section

  2. Recurring Orders - this tab contains a list of recurring orders. You can manage them by changing the status of a recurring order

  3. Payments - here is a list of all payments. If an order has the partial payments option enabled, it may have multiple payments. All customer payments will be displayed in this tab

At the top of the page, there is a filtering panel that allows you to filter orders


All orders

The "All orders" tab contains all regular orders (not recurrent) formed by your clients through offers. The table is sorted by date. Above are the newest orders:


order serial number. Each order has a unique number

Date and time of order creation

Customer who placed the order. Clicking on the name opens the customer card

Order status:

  • Open - the order has been created

  • Completed - the order payment was successful

  • Declined - the order payment failed

  • Refund - the funds have been returned to the customer

Offer name

Category number where the offer is located

Offer number

Price (in offer currency). Calculation formula: Price per unit * Quantity

Price per unit of the product

Quantity. The number of units the customer selected when placing the order. The multiple sales function is enabled in the offer settings

Sales manager - who facilitated the payment: a specific manager or the system (auto-payment). If confirmed, the name will be highlighted in green; otherwise, in red


  • Check - sales confirmation by the manager (explained below)

  • Confirm - mark an order with partial payments as completed; this button appears after enabling the filter "Order payment type" → "Partial"

  • Decline - reject an order with partial payments

  • Add user - assign a manager to the order

Clicking on the order row opens the list of invoices (payments) for the order. If the offer order has the partial payments option enabled, there will be multiple invoices. If the option is disabled, there will be only one


Invoice number - it usually differs from the order number because there can be many more invoices than orders

Invoice date - the date of the payment attempt

Invoice status

Funds credited - the amount after deducting the payment system's commission

Paid in one click - if the payment system has the one-click payment option enabled and the payment was made in one click, it will be displayed. If payment was made by entering card details, it will not

Payment system through which the payment was processed. The name of the payment system merchant is displayed

Transaction amount

Transaction currency - the currency in which the payment was made

Payment % - the portion of the offer purchased (in case of partial payment)

Comment left by the buyer when placing an order through the system for manual payments

Sales confirmation by the manager

To confirm through the manual payment system, go to the section


Now, when an order is successfully paid, you can check in its details who facilitated the sale: a specific sales manager or the system (automatic sale)

To enable confirmation, your role must have the "Can manage auto sales and generated sales" permission. If your role has this permission, the last column in the Orders and Sales table will display the "Check" button

In the "Sales Manager" column, the name of the manager will be displayed if they indicated in the "Sales Plans" tab of the customer card that the customer paid for the offer. If this information was not specified, "system" will be displayed instead (the order was paid without a manager's involvement)


By default, the order payment is not confirmed by the manager — the manager's name will be highlighted in red. To confirm the sale by the manager, click the button


A confirmation window will appear

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Adding a user, checking, and the ability to view the error code are now available through the customer card


The default action button for system payment

If the order payment is made by the system by default, you now have the option not only to check through the "Check" button but also to add a user through the "Add user" button


A user selection window will appear


If the manager indicated the sale in the "Sales Plans" tab of the customer card, the confirmation window will default to "Sale by user" with the manager's name displayed. If not, "System sale" will be selected. In this case, you can specify the name of the manager who made the sale, change it to another manager's name if the sale was actually made by someone else, or confirm the sale as made by the system. To confirm, click the "Confirm" button.

After this, the manager's name will be highlighted in green, indicating a confirmed sale by the manager.


 Managing recurring orders

Now you can manage recurring orders independently: pause, resume, or complete them early. Management is done in the Recurring Orders tab of the Orders and Sales section


After the customer has made the first initial payment for the recurring order, the information about it will appear in the "Recurring Orders" table. Such an order will receive the status "Active."

You can change the status of the recurring order to "Completed" by prematurely finishing the payment or "Paused" by putting it on hold. To change the order status, select the action by clicking the button:

To be able to change the order status, your role must have the permission "Can manage recurring order statuses"

If a recurring order needs to be resumed, select the action "Activate"

If, during the scheduled payment attempt, the order was in the "Paused" status, the payment will be processed within 10 minutes after the order is moved to the "Active" status.

After successfully processing all orders within the recurring order, the order will automatically receive the "Completed" status.

If, for any reason, the payment cannot be processed (for example, due to insufficient funds on the card), two more attempts will be made to charge the payment, at intervals set in the recurring payment settings. If the payment still cannot be processed, the recurring order will receive the "Failed" status.

The "Processing" status is assigned to the order when the payment is being processed.

By clicking on the order row, you will open a list of all orders made within the recurring order. Here you will see the order number, the date of the transaction, the status, the price, and the payment system. The initial order will be at the top, followed by the recurring orders below it.


You can easily track the progress of recurring orders using the information from "Payments Remaining" and "Next Payment Date"


Detailed report on orders and sales


To generate a detailed report on Orders and Sales for your account, you can use the function shown in the screenshot. By clicking the "More details" button, you will see a report with a breakdown by currencies, payment systems, offers, offer categories, and sales managers. You also have the option to export the generated report to a CSV file.

By payment system - the order statistics are broken down by payment systems and the currencies in which payments were made. You can export a CSV file of this report and adjust the columns as needed.


By offer - a report with a breakdown by offers. You can sort by all available columns and also export the report to a CSV file


By offer categories - a report with a breakdown by offer categories. If your offers are grouped by categories and you don't need to view the report for each offer individually, you can generate statistics for the entire offer category. In this statistics, you also have the option to sort by all available columns and export the report to a CSV file.


By sales manager - a report showing how much each user has contributed in payments to your system. You also have the option to sort by each column and export the report to a CSV file. When applying the "by sales manager" filter, only managers with confirmed orders will be displayed, meaning those whose orders are marked in green.


The total amount of funds for all completed offers will also be automatically calculated, excluding refunds.




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