Offers section
Offers - is a tool in the Leeloo.AI platform that allows purchases to be made directly through the platform.
Customer actions with offers (order, purchase) are recorded as statistical data in the Analytics section and as a list of orders and sales in the Orders and Sales section. Additionally, orders are transferred to the customer's card (provided that the order was placed using the "Buy" button in a message rather than via a link to the offer).
Customers can make one-click payments if they have previously paid for an offer (the technical feasibility of such payments should be confirmed with the payment system provider), which increases conversion rates for repeat sales.
Offers Tab
The Offers tab is located in the Sales Funnels section of the platform, as offers are an integral part of sales funnels.
This tab contains all the necessary functionality for creating and editing offers:
Go to the "Offers" subsection.
Click the "+ Category" button to create a category where you will later add an offer.
The "Actions" button opens the category action menu. Note that you can deactivate all offers within a category.
"Category Name" – the name of the category, which can be edited. A category number is also automatically generated upon creation.
Search – allows searching by category or offer.
The "Offer" button allows you to navigate to the offers within a category.
Users of the Leeloo.AI platform also have the ability to export, import, copy, delete, deactivate, and activate entire categories.
Offer Builder
To create an offer, click the "+ Offer" button in the upper right corner of the screen when navigating to a category. This will open the Offer Builder.
Offer Settings
"Offer Name" – an internal identifier for the offer within the system, visible only in the platform account. You can name the offer as you wish. This name will appear in the list when selecting an offer for the "Buy" button, in filters, in sales funnel blocks, and in order details under "Orders and Sales".
"Offer Settings" – this section requires setting the basic parameters of the offer (price, currency, payment systems).
"Additional Offer Settings" – detailed information about this section is provided below.
Recurring Offer Settings – if you need to send a product on a subscription basis so that the order repeats at a set interval, enable recurring payments.
Personalized Order Status Messages – allows you to set custom order status messages specifically for this offer.
Custom Fields
Actions – configuring this section allows executing specific actions based on the order status, such as:
"Subscribe to a block in the sales funnel"
"Unsubscribe from a branch/block in the sales funnel"
"Create an SMS account"
"Create an email account"
Offer Analytics
"Save" – saves changes to the offer. If the offer is being saved for the first time, it also generates a unique offer link and ID.
Order Button – displays how the offer will appear when accessed.
Payment Button – preview of the offer at the stage of entering personal data, showing how it will appear to the user.
Variables – allows adding predefined variables and known customer data into the offer.
On the right side, the offer is displayed in the format that customers will see when making a purchase.
Clicking the "Order" button allows you to preview how the offer appears when a user first accesses it.
Clicking the "Payment" button displays the personal data entry section.
Advanced settings
"Time to Pay for the Order" – the time allowed for order payment. By default, it is set to 30 days, giving the customer enough time to complete the payment if the "Allow Partial Payments" feature is enabled. If the order does not reach the "Completed" status within this period, it will automatically change to "Declined".
"Multiple Purchase" – allows the buyer to purchase multiple units of the product at once. The customer will be prompted to select the desired quantity, and the total price will be calculated accordingly.
"Limited Quantity" – enables setting a maximum available quantity for purchase. Customers will not be able to buy more than the specified amount.
"Redirect to Thank You Page" – allows specifying a custom page URL where the customer will be redirected after a successful payment. By default, they are redirected to the standard Thank You page.
"Include Payment Processing Fee in Price" – adds the payment system's commission to the offer price, passing the fee onto the buyer. By default, the seller covers the commission.
The fee amount is configured in the Leeloo.AI platform settings under Settings > Payments.
"Allow Changing Payment Currency" – enables the buyer to select and pay in their preferred currency, within the options supported by the payment system.
"Allow Partial Payments" – allows the customer to pay for the offer in multiple installments.
Order – a status indicating that an order has been created for the user (after entering required information such as Name, Email, and Phone on the offer page). The order can be viewed in the "Orders and Sales" tab or in the customer’s card.
Transaction Failed – a status indicating that the offer payment was unsuccessful.
Successful Payment – a status indicating that the user has successfully paid for the offer.
Subscribe to a Sales Funnel – a panel for selecting a funnel and block to start a specific content branch in the selected funnel when the offer transitions to a certain status.
Unsubscribe from a Sales Funnel – a panel for selecting a funnel and block to stop a specific content branch in the selected funnel when the offer transitions to a certain status.
Create SMS/Email Account – creates an SMS or Email communication channel in the lead’s customer card for further interaction (mailings, subscriptions, email sending, etc.).
Offer Creation
Offer Formation
After filling in the required data, selecting the settings, and clicking the "Save" button, the Offer Builder will generate:
Offer Number (SKU) – a unique identifier that appears in Orders and Sales and when selecting offers.
Offer Link – a shareable link to send for order placement.
Offer Image – you can upload an image or add one via a link.
Offer Title
Offer Description
Price Field – specifies the offer’s cost.
Currency Field – sets the payment currency.
Payment Systems Field – defines available payment methods.
Privacy Policy Field – link to the privacy policy.
"Agree to All Policies" Checkbox – if enabled, it will be pre-checked for all users by default.
Offer Language Selection – defines the language of the offer interface.
"Notify on Failed Payment" Checkbox – enables notifications for unsuccessful payments.
By clicking on the Offer Link (2), the created offer will open.
The offer details (price, "Buy" button text, etc.) are displayed in the language selected in the offer settings.
If automatic language detection is enabled, the offer will be shown in the browser’s language.
For example, if the browser language is set to English, the offer will be displayed in English (Price, Buy, etc.).
Purchasing via a direct offer link may result in incorrect or failed buyer identification, preventing order details from being recorded in the customer card.
It is recommended to send offers to subscribers using the "Buy" buttons in messages to ensure proper order tracking and customer identification.
Placing an Order
If the offer was opened via a direct link, click the "Place Order" button to proceed. Then, select the account from which you will place the order in messengers.
The list will display all accounts that were used to subscribe to the company's funnels within this browser. This information is stored in the browser.
Important! Paying via a direct link may result in incorrect payment recording in the customer card.
After selecting the account name, or if the offer was opened via the "Buy" button in a message, the customer must enter their email and phone number. If these details were previously provided when subscribing to the company's funnels, they will be pre-filled. Then, the customer needs to click the "Pay" button.
After clicking the button, an order will be created, and its details will appear in the "Orders and Sales" section of the platform.
The buyer will then be redirected to the payment page, the appearance of which depends on the payment system selected in the offer settings.
For example, if Stripe is chosen, the payment page will appear as follows:
Payment Processing
After this, the customer will see a waiting page while the payment is being processed by the payment system.
Payment Result
If the payment is successful, the customer will see the standard thank-you page after a short delay (unless a custom page was set in the offer settings).
If the payment is processed through WayForPay, the waiting page must be refreshed to see the payment result.
Unsuccessful Payment
If the payment fails for any reason, the customer will see the "Payment Failed".
One-Click Payments
If the "One-Click Payments" feature is enabled in the payment system settings (technical feasibility must be confirmed with the payment provider), the customer's card details will be saved after the first payment.
For subsequent purchases, the customer will not need to re-enter card details (for Yandex.Money, CVV2 input is still required).
The buyer can complete a one-click payment by simply pressing the "Pay" button, with the last linked card automatically selected.
After a successful payment with a new card, its details will be saved, allowing future one-click payments with that card.
For each payment system, cards are saved separately.
If a customer wants to unlink a card, they should send the command /my_info and delete the card in their user account. More details available.
Import and Export of Offers
With the Export action, you can download a list of offers with detailed information in .xlsx format.
With the Import action, you can upload the file back to the platform.
This can be useful for bulk updates of offer data. For example, if you need to change prices, currencies, names, or payment systems across multiple offers but don't want to update each manually, you can use this function.
When exporting, offers are downloaded with their unique Offer ID.
If the Offer ID is not specified during import, new offers will be created based on the data in the file.
Image Requirements
The image link in the document must be direct (ending in .jpg or .png) to display correctly on the platform.
When selecting the "Import" action, you will see a screen similar to the one shown in the screenshot below.
You need to click the "Click to select file" button and choose the file from your computer that you want to upload.
Additionally, you can specify ignored fields for multi-editing your offers.
After adding the document, the "Import" button (located to the right of the table with field selection) will become active. Once the file is uploaded, the offers will appear in the list of this category.
When using tags in the offer name, messages containing the "offer name" variable will not be delivered to Telegram.
For Facebook, Viber, such messages are processed correctly and delivered as expected.