Partial payments
If you need a client/buyer to pay for a product or service in installments via the Leeloo.AI platform, there is a special option in the offer called "Installment Payment."
You determine the minimum amount the client can pay during the first payment and the amount at which the payment will be considered "successful" (it does not have to be 100% of the total amount).
The client can divide the offer's cost into the desired number of parts and pay as much as is convenient, but not less than the minimum amount you set.
Activating the "Partial Payment" Feature
To activate the "Partial Payment" feature, go to the additional settings of the offer and check the box "Allow Partial Payments."
Two fields will appear:
"Percentage of Minimum Partial Payment" – The system automatically recalculates this into an amount. For example, if the offer price is $5000 and you set 1% ($50) here, the client will not be able to make the first payment for less than $50.
"Percentage for Payment to Be Considered Successful" – The system also automatically recalculates this into an amount. If you set it to 90%, a payment of $4500 (90% of $5000) will enable the option to manually change the order status to "completed." This function is convenient when there are multiple payments, and due to payment system fees, the full amount might not be credited.
Sending an Offer to the Client
The "Partial Payment" feature will only be active for offers attached to a "Buy" button: either in a chat message with the client or in a tunnel block. If the offer is accessed via a direct link (e.g.,, the option will not be active.
Open the chat with the client (for testing, select yourself) and create a text message.
Add a "Buy" button.
Select the offer where the partial payment option is activated.
Check the box "Allow Partial Payments."
Partial Payment of an Offer
The client clicks the "Buy" button sent in the Chat and opens the offer. At the stage of entering payment details for partial payment, they need to check the box "Make Payment Partial" and enter the amount they are ready to pay.
This amount must not be less than the minimum allowable partial payment amount and not exceed the offer's total price.
If the client attempts to pay less or more, an appropriate error message will be displayed:
Completing Payment for an Offer
After making a partial payment, a "Complete Partial Payment" button will appear on the thank-you page.
By clicking on it, the client can pay the remaining amount using the same procedure described above or make another partial payment. After completing another partial payment, the "Complete Payment" button will reappear on the thank-you page, allowing the client to continue paying. When completing payments, the minimum payment restrictions no longer apply.
If the procedure is conducted via the manual payment system, the remaining amount due will only update after the payment is confirmed by the manager in the "Payments" tab. If the manager has not confirmed the payment, the full offer price will still be displayed to the client. Learn more about manual payments.
If the client loses the link to complete the payment, you can send them a special button that will allow them to pay the remaining amount.
To do this:
Open the chat with the client and create a text message.
Add the "Complete Payment" button to the message and enter the offer name or the order number that the client paid for.
List of Payments (Invoices) for an Order
For each payment made towards an order, a new invoice will be created in the "Orders and Sales" section, displaying the payment details.
To view all invoices for an order, click on the order row.
Order Status for Partial Payments
For partial payments, the order status will remain "Open" until the full payment for the offer is completed. Once the offer is fully paid, the order status will automatically change to "Completed."
You can manually change the status to "Completed" even if the payment is not in full or exceeds the offer's price (under certain circumstances).
To do this:
Enable the filter for orders with partial payments (1).
Click "Filter" (2).
Once the filter is active, confirm the order (3).
This can be done if you have set a Percentage for Payment to Be Considered Successful, and that value has already been reached — meaning the user has paid the specified amount.
If you decline the order, the client will no longer be able to complete the payment. When attempting to pay, they will see a message about the payment being unsuccessful.