Smart responses

Smart responses





The category is identical in functionality to the "FAQ" category. The only difference is in its application. This category is used to configure automation in sales funnels. Categories consist of groups. A group contains a set of keywords and responses.

A keyword is a trigger word. If the bot receives this word or phrase, it sends one of the responses from that group. There can be multiple keywords in each group.

A response is the bot's reaction to the trigger. There can be multiple responses, and they will be sent in sequence, in a loop. The first response will be sent first, then the second, and so on. After the last response, the loop will start again. If there are two keywords from the same group in a user's message, only one response will be sent.

The first response in the list is the one that was added earlier It will be the last in the sending order


Adding an automated response

To add a new automated response:

  1. Select the category where the response will be placed (Smart responses or FAQ)

  2. Select the funnel in which the automated response will be active The response will work only for subscribers of the selected funnel If no funnel is selected, the response will apply to the entire company for subscribers of any funnels (Default responses) Even if a subscriber is not subscribed to any funnel, default responses will still work

  1. Click on the "Create Group" button

  2. Enter the group name You can leave "Group title," but it's better to enter a specific name to easily navigate which responses belong to which groups

  3. Enter a key A key can be a word or phrase After entering the text (key), click "Add" or press Enter
    If a subscriber's message contains this key, one of the responses from this group will be sent To delete keys, use the "x" on the right edge of the key You can add as many keys as needed They will be displayed below the input field Note that if the keyword contains special characters, the smart response will not work

  4. Click "Add Response"

  5. Add a lead generation tool (smart response type) to subscribe the user to a funnel

  6. Click on the message to edit it The Message Constructor will open

  7. Edit and save the message in the Message Constructor

Logic of sending smart responses for different funnels

If a subscriber is subscribed to a funnel, for example, "Template - Yoga Yogurts," and smart responses are set for this funnel, they will receive the smart responses assigned to this funnel

If a subscriber is subscribed to multiple funnels, they will receive smart responses from all the funnels they are subscribed to

If the same key is added to multiple funnels, but the responses set for this key differ in those funnels, the subscriber will receive the response from the last funnel they subscribed to
Example: In the funnels "Template - Yoga Yogurts" and "TEST," a response is added for the key "price" The subscriber first subscribed to "Template - Yoga Yogurts" and then to "TEST" They wrote "what's the price" to the bot The response will come from the "TEST" funnel

  • A similar logic applies if the same key is set in both "Default responses" and another funnel, for example, "Template - Yoga Yogurts" The smart response assigned to the "Template - Yoga Yogurts" funnel will be sent


Adding a list of keywords

If you have a whole list of keywords (for example, in Excel) that you want to add to a group, you can easily do this without manual input To do this:

Copy the list of keywords from your document and paste it into the keyword insertion field Keywords should be separated by commas For example: how much, buy, price

Click on "Add response" or press the Enter key As a result, four keywords (phrases) will be added


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