Blocks archive

Blocks archive






On the platform, there is an option to restore deleted blocks in the sales tunnel. To restore a block, you need to open the sales tunnel where the blocks were deleted

To do this, you must open the sales tunnel, go to the “Archive” within the sales tunnel, and a search panel will appear through which you can find and restore the deleted block

You can search by name in the search bar, but this works if the block had a unique name. If the name wasn't unique, you can filter by block type, and the date of deletion and the name of the user who deleted the block are also available

By clicking on the block name in the panel, the deleted block will open, and you can view the block content

  1. Sales tunnel name

  2. “Archive” section

  3. Search bar allows searching by name

  4. Filter by block types, when searching you can choose the type for filtering

  5. Name of the user who deleted the block

  6. Block type

  7. Tunnel block name

  8. Button to restore the block in the tunnel

  9. Block deletion date


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