

View key information about your clients in a list format, call them, perform bulk actions: add and remove tags, export to CSV, unsubscribe from a tunnel, add to the sales plan, and perform other actions in the “Audience” section of the platform:

  1. "Audience" Section

  2. Filter by gender – select the desired gender and apply it using the “Filter” button.

  3. Filter by messenger.

  4. Filter by phone availability in the client card.

  5. Filter by email availability in the client card.

  6. Filter Menu:

    1. Clear – removes all previously selected filters.

    2. Filter – applies the selected filters.

    3. More – opens the filter panel.

  7. Add Contact – manually adding a user:

    1. Users can only be added if connected services for email or SMS campaigns are available.

    2. SendGrid, Mandrill – for email campaigns.

    3. Twilio – for SMS.

  8. Page selection buttons – a maximum of 30 contacts per page.

  9. "Bulk Actions" Section – allows you to perform bulk actions with the audience. Available actions include: Add tag, Remove tag, Move to archive, Blacklist, Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Import, Export, Add to sales plan, Add SMS/Email, Bulk actions with AI

  10. Search by specific parameter in the client card – you can search by name, phone number, or email.

11. Checkbox to select all clients on the page.

  1. Checkbox to select a specific user.

  2. List of contacts in the client card.

  3. List of tags in the client card.

  4. List of sales plans the client is added to.

  5. Number of sales made by the client.

  6. Number of communication channels available in the client card.

  7. Client name on the platform (clicking on the name opens the client card).

  8. Column settings for this section (all columns are enabled by default).

  9. Number of client cards/communication channels (a single card can have multiple communication channels).

Note: When subscribing, messengers do not transmit client contact details. Data can be obtained via LGT subscriptions with fields for phone number, email, and others.

Client Filtering 

Filter clients by: messenger, tunnel, lead generation tool, ordered/purchased offer, status, etc.

Use the filter panel for this purpose. It is located in the top-right corner of the page:


Learn more about client filtering in the filter panel instructions.


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