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Sales Tunnels
Navigation in Sales Tunnels
Types of Blocks in the Tunnel
Principle of Tunnel Operation
1. Sales Tunnels
On this tab, sales tunnels are created. A tunnel is a tree-like structure, built from blocks, and the blocks form the branches of your sales tunnel
New Tunnel Addition Button
The search panel allows searching by tunnel name, and when switching the option to "by LGT," it enables searching by LGT name
Block displaying the number of pages
Button for selecting the search type (by tunnel name or LGT)
Action button
Panel with analytical indicators for the tunnel, more details can be found in the Analytics section, block and button data can be viewed in the tunnel by opening a specific block or button
Image upload window for the tunnel avatar used to highlight the tunnel in the general list
Tunnel name, clicking on the tunnel name will open the sales tunnel
Button to change the tunnel name appears when hovering over the tunnel name
Tunnel creation date
Button to delete the image from the tunnel
When clicking on the tunnel name, the content opens
You can always restore your deleted tunnel in the "Tunnels Archive" section by clicking the "Restore" button under the desired tunnel
2. Navigation in Sales Tunnels
It will make navigation between different elements of the system easier in sections. In the "Sales Tunnels" section, you can switch between tunnels and lead generation tools using it:
By clicking the "Back to Tunnels List" button or the "Sales Tunnels" section, you will return to the list of your sales tunnels
You can switch to another necessary tunnel by clicking the tunnel search button by name and selecting the name from the list of your tunnels
You can view all LGTs in your tunnel by clicking the "LGT" button. To view the statistics in the opened list, click the "Show statistics of all LGTs" button (1). To find a specific LGT in the list, start typing its name in the search bar (2)
By clicking on the action block, we can perform actions with the tunnel such as: create a copy, archive, export to share via the library, check related elements, and check connections (go to the integrations section to check the status of the connected bot)
By clicking the "Archive" button, you can view the list of previously deleted blocks. If necessary, you can find the required deleted block by entering its name in the search bar (1) and restore the block by clicking the "Restore" button (2)
By clicking the "More details" button, you can view the statistics of your tunnel as well as any errors related to connected elements
In your sales tunnel, you can also filter the content by the messengers used (1), view archived tunnel blocks and their connections (2), switch between block content view and selection mode (3), find a block by its name on the workspace (4), adjust the workspace size using the slider (5), and change the visualization of connections as well as the color scheme of their display in the tunnel (6)
Types of blocks in the tunnel
First block - the first block for placing content in it
LGT - a purple block that serves as the entry point into your sales tunnel
Message - a blue standard block for placing content in it
Delay - a green block for creating a time delay, delays with acceptable parameters, and sending content blocks or action blocks at a specific time
Trigger - an orange block. In this block, you can check conditions such as "Order Event", "Website Visit", "Webinar Room Visit", "Instagram Subscription Check"
Filter - a gray block. With this block, you can check if a user or their actions match the conditions set in the block
Action - a red block that defines actions when a user transitions to a specific block of the indicated tunnel
Static menu - a dark blue block that allows you to create a permanent menu for Telegram
Note - a brown block that allows you to create notes for your managers on the workspace
You can learn more about each type of block within the funnel builder in the instructions
The principle of the tunnel operation
A tunnel is an automated mailing system. Subscription to the tunnel happens when a user visits your landing page (LGT)
After subscribing, the client receives a message from the first block. Then, the user starts moving through the blocks defined in the tunnel builder according to the logical sequence you set. When a block is activated, the conditions are checked. If the conditions are met, the message from the block is sent to the subscriber, and the user continues their movement. If the block conditions are not met, the activation of this branch is paused until the block's conditions are fulfilled. If a block has branching options depending on the specified condition, you can set additional branches for users whose conditions were not met. A sales tunnel implies the movement of the logical sequence only forward, so blocks cannot be looped. In case of such a logical error, connections between the looped blocks will be highlighted in red, indicating that the logic of the funnel construction was violated.