Trigger Block
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Trigger block - an orange block. In this block, you can check conditions for Order Event, Website and Webinar Room Visit, as well as Page Subscription (allows tracking subscription/unsubscription from the Instagram page)
Inside the block itself, you can set a delay for the subscriber to fulfill the condition within a specified time, after which content will be sent depending on the result: whether the condition set in the block was met (in this case, the content will follow the green branch) or not (the red branch will be triggered to deliver content)
Type of delay used
Delay interval (the time required for the subscriber to complete the action)
Match all actions (activate the checkbox if it is necessary to meet all conditions set in the block)
Subscriber actions that we can choose to check
For the "Website Visit" trigger to work, you need to add the init code of your company to your website's code. You can copy it from the settings of an LGT type "form," "widget," or "popup" at the "done" step. Copy the init code and place it in the head section of your website's code. Then, add the link to the "trigger" block
For the website visit trigger to work on iOS devices, the initial transition to the site must be via a "link" type button. After that, the site can be visited in any way, but the first transition must be through the button
The "Order Event" trigger works without being linked to the previous block of the sales tunnel, as long as the trigger block is activated. Once one of the trigger conditions you set is met, the subscriber will proceed further according to the specified tunnel logic
If you add multiple conditions to the block, you can use the AND/OR switch. When this option is enabled, the subscriber will pass the trigger only if they complete all specified actions. If the option is disabled, the subscriber will pass the trigger if they complete at least one of the listed actions
After integrating with the Webinar Stars service, it will be possible to use the condition in the trigger for visiting the webinar room, clicking a button, or completing the webinar on the Webinar Stars service
During setup, you need to select this condition, then choose the required webinar room and save the changes
Trigger "Subscription to the Page"
You can check the status: subscribed to the page, unsubscribed from the page
For the trigger to work, it must be activated for the person, and the countdown must begin. During this time, the person must subscribe to the Instagram page connected to the platform and send a message to the Instagram bot so the system recognizes the subscription
If a person who is already subscribed to the Instagram page reaches the trigger, it will not activate for them. To handle this, place a "filter" before the trigger using the "subscription to the page" condition and specify "the user is not subscribed to the page" as shown in the example screenshot below