Stopping the sales tunnel branch after payment, automatically sending the user to another branch.
Stopping the sales tunnel after paying for the offer.
When using several parallel branches of the tunnel, in some cases it becomes necessary to stop another branch of the tunnel after making a purchase, this must be done for the reason that resending the offer after the purchase will entail a large amount of negativity.
Example 1;
There are 2 branches of the tunnel. It is necessary to stop sending content from the top branch if a purchase occurred in the bottom branch of the sales tunnel in the “Block 1” block.
With this design, you need to use the “action” block (red block). Below is an example, in a red block called "New block" you need to set the action "stop" to the delay block called "delay1"
Example 2;
After payment, there is a need to stop the upper branch and send it to another branch of the tunnel; this can be done using the “action” block, below is an example.
Setting up the "start" action to send to another sales tunnel
Example 1;
If the purchase does not occur, you can send the client to a completely different sales tunnel. To do this, you need to add an action block to the trigger block called “trigger(copy)”. You need to extend the connection from the red cell of the block; this function will be executed if no purchase occurs and the specified time has passed in the trigger block. The time must be set if you want to activate this option, because the standard delay in the trigger block is 365 days.
After setting up the trigger, you need to configure the action block; the setup is similar to the examples above.
Please note that the above examples are not a reference model, or an effective business model of a sales tunnel, this is only a brief description of the functionality with specific examples.