UA | US | RU |
If you need to accept payments from clients not in dollars, euros, rubles, or hryvnias, but for example, in tenge, add this currency in: Settings → Payments → Currencies:
By default, 3 currencies are already added: dollar, euro, and hryvnia.
To add another currency, you need to:
Click on the "+ Add" row.
Enter the currency name in the field and select it from the list.
Click "Save".
The "dollar" currency cannot be removed as it is the system's base currency.
Re-login to your account to make the updated currency list available for use.
Note: Saved currencies will only be available after re-login!
Exchange rates are automatically updated every two hours through synchronization with . If you want to set your own exchange rate, enter the value in the rate field for the corresponding currency and click "Save":
If you want to reset the exchange rate to the current one on after entering a custom rate, click the Default → Save button.
Currency Exchange Rate Log
Now you can see who changed the exchange rates in your account and what values were set.