Google Analytics Integration (v4)

Google Analytics Integration (v4)









Please note that before you start working with Google Analytics, we recommend that you take training courses to understand all the functionality of this system.

[GA4] Set up Analytics for a website and/or app - Analytics Help

Information from Google about analytics


  1. Registration and receipt of data for connecting integration.

    First of all, you need to register a new or connect an existing account to the http://Leeloo.ai platform, for this you need to get a tid and an API token.

    To do this, go to the Administrator - Data Streams section

Next, create a new stream and specify “Web”

In the stream settings, indicate the URL of your site, and if there is no site, then LGT - http://wep.wf and name it as convenient. If you specified the website domain, then LGT can be added as a cross domain.

After creating the stream, you need to copy the Tid and API token.

The data identifier is tid

You can get the API token in the “About the Measurement Protocol API” section. You will need to create it.

  1. Connecting integration to http://Leeloo.ai

Go to the Settings - Analytics section and click the “Add” button.

In the window that appears, select the integration version (we are currently considering v4) and indicate the data from your GA account: tid and API token, also indicate the name that this integration will have within the http://Leeloo.ai system.


After this, you can proceed to setting up events.

  1. Setting up events.

Your integration will have an “add event” button; by clicking on it you can add the events you need to the integration. Also, there are 2 points “Use this tid by default for all LGTs” and “Use this tid by default for all offers” means that by default this tid will be included in all LGTs and offers created on your http://Leeloo.ai platform account.

Next, you need to determine what events and what data you want to send to GA. Click on the “add event” button and enter:

Platform name: what the event will be called on the http://Leeloo.ai platform

event: event type. There are default events, but if you want to transfer some of yours that you need, leave custom.

name: how the event will be transmitted can only be written in Latin characters.

If you do not add anything else, then only what you have written here will be transmitted, but if you want to transmit other additional data, click on the “add parameter” button - string

By selecting string, fields will appear where you can specify what subscriber data you want to transmit.

  1. enter the name of the parameter you want to pass

    this field will display the variable you selected, or text

    add variables button

    delete parameter button

    By clicking on the add variables button, a window will appear where you can select either variables or subscriber data. This can be a variety of data types.

Subscriber data is divided into 4 types:

standard, subscription, offer, order.

After you add all the parameters you need, we can proceed to adding them to LGT, offers and the sales tunnel. In the screenshots above, the “offers” and “order” data are used for offers, and the data from the “subscription” section is used for LGT.

  1. Adding events to LGT, offers, sales tunnel.

On the http://Leeloo.ai platform it is possible to transmit previously established events directly from LGT, offers and tunnels.

L.G.T. Open the Lead Generation Tools section and go to the “traffic settings” tab.

There you will see the “Google Analytics” switch and by opening it you can add the necessary events.

Нажав на кнопку “добавить событие” Вам появиться окно, где вы сможете выбрать ранее установленные события.

  1. Тип действия при котором должно отправиться событие

  2. Аналитика, куда будет передаваться это действие

  3. само событие, которое будет передаваться

Proposals (offers)

Each offer now has an additional Google Analytics item.

Here, as in LGT, you select the type of action, the Analytics where events will be transmitted, and the event itself that you want to transmit.

The difference from LHT is that event types have 3 components: completed, failed and open. These are 3 offer statuses and events will be sent as soon as the action you specify occurs.

Sales tunnel.

The “Google Analitycs” function has appeared in the “action” block in the sales tunnel

By selecting this function you can specify the integration and type of event you want to send

Thus, you can track any event that occurs in the http://Leeloo.ai system and transfer it to your Google analytics.

INFO! If you are passing a custom event from Lilu, on the GA side you need to go to the Events tab

Then, click on the “configure custom definitions” button and add “special parameters” and “Custom indicators”.

Special parameters are text values that you entered in the event constructor in Lilu

Special indicators are digital values that you entered in the event constructor in Lilu.

An example of filling out a “special parameter”.

There can be up to 20 pieces.