Key Features of Lead Generation Tools

Key Features of Lead Generation Tools

Connection of communication channels (messengers, email, or SMS)

Each LGT must be connected to at least one communication channel, otherwise the new LGT will not be saved.

When following a link to an LGT that was imported with a tunnel template or with a communication channel that was previously deleted, a 404 error will occur (because no communication channel is connected).

You can choose any communication channel that is connected to the platform. If you haven't connected any channels to the platform yet, do so by following the appropriate instructions.


Please note that a maximum of six communication channels can be connected to a single LGT at the same time.

Connecting main communication channels

Select the necessary communication channels (messengers, email, SMS) on the "General" tab of your LGT. The connection status will be displayed when selecting a communication channel. Content from the sales tunnel, newsletters, and chats will be sent to the messenger chosen by the subscriber.


Connecting additional communication channels

By default, the subscription is made to the communication channel selected in the list.

If you have two tunnels with different bots of the same messenger (for example: telegram1 and telegram2) and you want to send a broadcast to both tunnels with a message containing a link to LGT, in order to prevent customer card duplication, you need to specify the bot from the first tunnel as the main one and the bot from the second tunnel as an additional one. In this case, when following such a LGT link, the subscriber will be redirected to the previously created communication channel. The customer card will not be duplicated, and the subscriber will receive information in the same communication channel where they previously received it.


The button name "Subscribe" depends on the language selected in the "General" tab of your LGT.

Add additional channels if you have two or more communication channels of the same messenger connected. This will prevent customer card duplication when a user subscribes through LGT, where the bot they are already subscribed to is added as the main or additional communication channel.

Email communication channel

After adding the email communication channel, a "Email" button will appear on your LGT.

  1. Communication channel

  2. Additional channels

  3. Thank you page (default or custom)

  4. Thank you page title

  5. Thank you page description

    Example of a thank you page with "Default" values.


There are 2 subscription options for the Email communication channel: with a pop-up window and without.

Subscription to the Email communication channel without a pop-up window

In the "Content" tab, you need to add the Email field and check the "Required" checkbox.


If the required "name" field is not specified, the subscriber's Email will be recorded in the "name" field of the customer card.

When transitioning to LGT, it will look like this.


Clicking the “Email” button will subscribe the user to the Email newsletter.

Subscription to the Email communication channel with a pop-up window

In the “Content” section, when the toggle is enabled, additional settings for the pop-up window will appear.

  1. Field for entering the window title

  2. User name input field (can be set as: "required", "optional", "hide").

  3. Phone number input field (can be set as: "required", "optional", "hide").

  4. Email address input field (required).

  5. Field for entering the button name (default is "Submit").

When the user clicks the "Email" button in LGT, a window will open to fill in the data, along with a "Submit" button.


Clicking the button in this window will subscribe the user to the Email newsletter.

SMS communication channel

You can offer your users the opportunity to subscribe to the SMS newsletter. This is possible using the Twilio messaging service. (Instructions for connection). To set up this feature, go to the "Content" tab of your LGT and select the SMS communication channel. After connecting the SMS bot to your LGT, it will appear as shown in the screenshot below.

Main settings of the SMS communication channel.

  1. Communication channel - the main channel for the SMS newsletter.

  2. Additional channels - an additional channel for the SMS newsletter.

  3. Thank you page - choose “Thank you page” as "Default" or "Custom".

  4. Thank you page title - input field for the title (if "Default" is selected).

  5. Thank you page description - input field for the description (if "Default" is selected).

SMS communication channel "Default" thank you page

If you want to use your own page, simply provide a link to it. If you choose the "Default" thank you page, you can set the title and description that the user will see.

If you want to use your own page, simply provide a link to it. If you choose the "Default" thank you page, you can set the title and description that the user will see.


Main settings of the SMS communication channel pop-up window

After the user selects the SMS subscription in LGT, a window will open, which is configured in the "SMS Subscription" section.


Clicking the button in this window will subscribe the user to the SMS newsletter.

In this section, you can set the window title, add the "Name" field (which is optional and can be hidden if needed). The "Phone" field is mandatory and cannot be hidden. The "Email" field is optional, and by selecting it from the dropdown menu, you can define its status. You can also set the button text.

If the required "name" field is not specified, the subscriber's phone number will be recorded in the "name" field of the customer card.

  1. Window title - field for entering the window title

  2. User name input field (can be set as: "required", "optional", "hide")

  3. Phone number input field (can be set as: "required", "optional", "hide")

  4. Email address input field (can be set as: "required", "optional", "hide")

  5. Button text - field for entering the button text (default is "Submit")

Checkbox "Prohibit Re-subscription"

When this function is activated, the first subscription to LGT is processed in the standard mode. Subsequent and all further subscriptions will be impossible.


Upon re-subscription, the subscriber will receive the "Re-subscription prohibition message," which can be edited in the section “AI Support Standard MessageRe-subscription Prohibition Message.”


When both the “Easy Re-subscription” and “Prohibit Re-subscription” checkboxes are enabled simultaneously, only the “Easy Re-subscription” will take effect.

Checkbox "Quick Subscription"

For a user already subscribed to a sales tunnel, when they transition to a new LGT, they will not be prompted to choose a communication channel. Instead, a single subscription button will appear, directing the subscriber to the previously selected communication channel.


Subscription button text:

  • This is activated when transitioning to LGT again with the "Quick Re-subscription" checkbox enabled.

  • If no text is entered for the button, the default text will be used, which depends on the language selected in the "Content" tab of your LGT.

You can also change the communication channel by clicking on the "Not you?" option.


After clicking the "Not you?" button, an additional menu will appear where all messengers will be displayed.


We recommend enabling the "Quick Subscription" checkbox, as it prevents the duplication of customer cards for the same user. Please note that this function works only between different types of messengers.

If you are using only one main communication channel (e.g., only Facebook Messenger), you can ignore the "Quick Subscription" checkbox.

Checkbox "Easy Re-subscription"

Easy Re-subscription is a feature that allows re-subscribing within the same LGT without receiving the "Re-subscription Message" in the section "AI Support → Standard Message → Re-subscription Prohibition Message."


The interval between subscription attempts is 1 minute. This prevents content duplication: after re-subscribing via LGT with the "Easy Re-subscription" feature enabled, the next subscription attempt will be available only after 1 minute.

When both the "Easy Re-subscription" and "Prohibit Re-subscription" checkboxes are enabled simultaneously, only the "Easy Re-subscription" will take effect.

Privacy Policy

At the bottom of the LGT, subscribers agree to your policies.

By default, there will be a standard agreement whose text cannot be edited. If you need to add your own policy, please use the provided option to customize instruction.


When the "Agree to all policies" checkbox is enabled, this checkbox will be automatically selected for users.


Checkbox "Internal"

When the "Internal" checkbox is enabled, orders and sales for this LGT will not be recorded in the "Traffic" section. This checkbox is needed to set up tracking analytics from subscription to sale and to understand which traffic source brings you more sales.


By default (if the checkbox is not enabled on any LGT), the sale is recorded for the first LGT of the last tunnel the user subscribed to.

Variables in LGT

Variables in LGT allow you to customize LGT using the platform's standard variables.

In the "Content" tab, you can add your own variables in the "Text" block.


By clicking the "Add Variable" button, you can configure its parameters.

  1. Data type – variable, subscriber data, UTM tags

  2. Variable – the value you want to retrieve (name, number, email, etc.).

  3. Fallback option – in case subscriber data is unavailable.

More about variables.

Customization will be applied when revisiting the LGT or when following another link for users already subscribed to the LGT.


For users not subscribed to the LGT, customization will not work, as the data is taken from the client card.

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