Ref link

Ref link

Direct links provide the ability to go straight to communication channels, bypassing the LGT subscription form (minilanding). After clicking the direct link, the messenger opens immediately.

This method is convenient if you are using only one messenger. When subscribing via a direct link, it is not possible to collect contact information such as email and phone number.

By using a direct link, traffic sources are also available to you.

The direct link does not work on Android devices for the Viber messenger when sent via private message. However, if placed in an HTML block on the website, the link functions correctly.

Getting a Direct Link

  1. To use a direct link, go to the "Sales Tunnels" section and open the required tunnel.

  1. Select the required LGT or create a new one. Then go to the "Traffic" tab in the LGT settings and click on the name of the messenger. The link will be copied to the clipboard automatically (a corresponding message will appear in the bottom right

Direct links are only available for LGT of the "Mini-landing" type.

You can also create direct links for various traffic sources.
For more details about traffic sources, see here.

  1. Click on “+ Add traffic sources” and specify the name of your traffic source.

  1. Click the “Save” button

  1. Then, go to the "Traffic" tab in the LGT settings and click on the name of the messenger next to your traffic source; the link will be copied to the clipboard automatically (a corresponding message will appear in the bottom right corner).


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