Main information

Main information

Fill in the information about your company in the Main Information section. This data is used to receive personalized support.

  1. Company Name — a field to specify your company name.

  2. Website — here you can add a link to the company website.

  3. Company Language — select the primary interface language for the company.

  4. Use Own Domain — a checkbox to activate the use of a custom domain.

  5. Proxy Domain — a field to enter the proxy domain, if used.

  6. Email — the company's primary email address for contact.

  7. Phone — the company phone number with the option to select the country code.

  8. Country — select the country where the company is registered.

  9. City — a field to indicate the company's location city.

  10. Time Zone — select the time zone corresponding to the company's location.

  11. Automatically Create Websites — a checkbox to automatically create websites in the system.

  12. Hide Client Profile in Chats — a setting to hide the client profile in chats.

  13. Automatic Sales Manager Assignment — a feature for automatically assigning a sales manager.

  14. Company Actions — when clicking the "Company Actions" button, a dropdown menu will appear where you can select "Mark all messages as read" to quickly update the status of all messages.

  15. Save — a button to save all changes in settings.

  16. Company Logo — a field for uploading or displaying the company logo.

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