


The "Accounting" page allows you to view information regarding the number of subscribers, users, tunnels, LGT, as well as limit limits and prices

To do this, you need to go to Settings → Company → Accounting.

Available subscriber information shows the current number of subscribers on the platform, the free number of subscribers according to the purchased package and the maximum number of subscribers. Similar information is provided about users, tunnels and lead generation tools.

In the accounting section you can see the following subsections:


In the tariffs section you can find the usage limits of your tariff plan, as well as a cost schedule

Also in this subsection you can get acquainted with the prices for increasing limits on your tariff plan

It should be noted that the price in the table is per unit. For 1 subscriber, for 1 tunnel, LGT and any other type of service!

Expense schedule

In this section you can see a graph of your expenses by platform

Also in this section, at the bottom of the page, you can freeze the service in case you are not actively attracting traffic to the social network for a certain period of time:


In this section you can see the history of your payments, service terminations and other transactions related to the company on the http://Leeloo.ai platform

Balance transactions

Account balance transactions are displayed here

Company cards

In this section you can link payment methods


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