User management

User management


This page displays system users. It is designed to view the user list, manage their roles, create new users with defined access rights and privileges within the platform, and remove users from the system.

By default, after creating a company, you have one user with the Company Owner role. This role provides maximum access to all features.

To access this page, go to Settings → Company → Users.

The main feature of this page is the ability to flexibly configure a new user's access to your company.

  1. User ID: A unique identifier for each user.

  2. User Avatar: Displays the profile image.

  3. User Name: Displays the name registered in the system.

  4. Email: The user's email address.

  5. Phone: The phone number provided by the user.

  6. Role: The user's role in the system, defining their access level (clicking the role opens the role list).

  7. Tunnels: Displays the list of tunnels available to the user.

  8. Recent Changes: Shows the name and date of the user who made changes to the current user's data.

  9. Delete Button: Allows you to remove a user from the system with a single click.

  10. Create User: Enables adding a new user to the system by specifying key information such as name, email, phone number, and role.

Useful Links:

  • How to create a new user for a company?

  • List of roles

  • How to create a new role for an employee?

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